First Day

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I rubbed my soar muscles as I waved goodbye to my grandparents, uncle and a few of my cousins.

I climbed into my s10 and started it up, cranking the AC as Hugh as it would go. I plugged the aux cord into my phone and played Of Mice & Men's station on pandora.

I buckled before carefully pulling away from the curb and driving home.

I only lived about 10 minutes from my grandparents so it wasn't a long drive.

"Ah shit." I cursed when I moved my arm to flip the turn signal on and the as he in my muscle became very noticeable.

"And my reply was quick
Read this book, you were meant to live
It all means so much to me
But note what's written in red, it says...
It speaks of hope, trust and love
The fear of never being good enough" I mumbled along and turned the music up as I reached a stoplight. I turned the AC down and put my window down.

I gave it gas as the light turned green and got up to the speed limit.

Driving was a lot for fun when I didn't have my mom hovering o over everything I did. I don't speed but she always leaned over and checked the speedometer. She would look behind me as I did when I switched lanes. I could always see her hitting her imaginary break.

I flipped on my turn signal and slowed down enough to turn onto my street. I drove down until I reached my house and pulled into the driveway.

Mom was at work so I had some time to myself. I unlocked the front door before closing it behind me and locking it again.

I would have my friends over but Emma and Oliver aren't to happy that I told Jake no.

I opened my laptop and pulled up tumblr. I kicked my shoes off before pulling them up and tucking them under me.

I scrolled through tumblr for a bit before opening another tab and playing pandora.

My tumblr browsing was interupted by an incoming Skype call.

"Hello sir." I greater poshly as I answered and my dad's face popped up.

"Hey baby girl." He said and smiled when he saw me.
I saw Jaime peek over the back of the chair but he pressed a finger to his lips signalling for me not to laugh.

"How did moving furniture go?" Dad asked with a smirk and I groaned.

"It really sucked! Everything hurts." I complained, "At one point, I carried a filing cabinet and almost fell down the stairs." Dad started to laugh at me.

"You are extremely clumsy,  they should've had someone else do it."

"My uncle offered but uo until then,I had been stuck with all the sweeping and dusting and I was sick of that by then." I explained and he nodded.

"How have you been since we last spoke?" I asked as I ran my hands through my hair.

"Pretty good, played a smaller show earlier and we're on the road now."

I opened my mouth to say something but at that moment, Jaime jumped out and scared the shit out of my dad. As they were bickering, my phone started to ring.


Isabella told Jaime and I to 'shut the hell up' as she quickly answered her phone.

"Really? That's awesome, thank you so much." She said excitedly.

"Bout the job?" Jaime asked quietly.

"No clue, but that pretty likely." I mumbled.

"See you tomorrow." She said giddily before hanging up the phone.

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