"Yeah, yeah."
I make my way to the costumer getting out my notepad and pencil.
"So, what could I get- OH MY FUCK, are you okay?"
The mans face was coverd in cuts and bruises, although he was still very attractive.
"Im fine, can I just have some plain back coffee" Ew Who drinks just black coffee?
"C-coming right up"
I awkwardly walk away to the restaurants kitchen. I grab a mug and pour coffee in.
"So what's up with the guy who looks like he got in a huge fight?" My nosy co-worker asks getting in my face.
"Sabrina,I don't know, hes just a costumer, stop being nosy" I roll my eyes and put the mug in a little plate.
I feel a little bad for saying that since I was being such a hypocrite, but if I didn't she would never back off.
"Jeez, sorry for being curious" she walks off stomping her sharp heels.
She leaves and I start to look under the sink until I find what im looking for. The First aid-kit.