Ximena's pov
My neck hurts, I hate sleeping uncomfortably, cause I know I'm going to feel this way until I find a good place to sleep. When I woke up I was really confused on where I was, I usually wake up in my house, but not this time.
I know its going to take a while getting used to, not waking up to my family every morning. I've wanted to leave my town for ages, and now that I have the chance I'm scared.
I should look on the bright side, instead of looking at leaving my home as "running away", I should look at it as if I'm actually starting a new life, But a new life means a new everything, right?
I went outside to walk around a little bit before we had to leave,while outside I saw couples walking towards their car continuing their road trip. I was getting a little jealous which I absolutely hate, I'm not even sure why I'm jealous.
I was getting kinda hungry though, it was probably because I kept staring at the vending machine. I dug in my pockets hoping to find any sort of money. I ended up finding a dollar,I forgot that I got it as tip two days ago at the diner. that's one thing I'm not going to miss. The diner took too much advantage of me, always calling me on my days off to come in.
I straighten out my dollar against the side of the vending machine, I put the dollar in the slot, I type in the numbers to the hot Cheetos, they should start putting hot fries in vending machines, they're fucking good.
While walking back to the bus I see Grayson walking back too. He looked a bit shaken up, I didn't know if I should ask him about it or not.
"Want some" I say putting my hand out with the bag of chips. It takes Grayson a double take to realize it was me. He looks down at my hands and chuckles.
"No thanks, I'm good" he looks behind us as if he was making sure no one was following us.
"You know, I've never seen you eat, don't you get hungry?" I look at him eating my delicious chips.
"I mean I could eat, but there's people out there that have it worse than I do, so I don't complain" he was right, there's people who haven't eaten in weeks and I'm complaining.
We're on the bus now and I'm at the bottom of the bag, I feel guilty, but I'm just so hungry.
I look out the window and see Caiden. He has a bruise on the side of his face, I didn't see that before, what could have Happened to him in all of the 15 minutes we've been at this stop.
Caiden got in his seat and I needed to throw out my empty bag. I excused myself to Grayson and walked to the front of the bus where the trash was, before I walked back to my seat I looked at the bus driver, he was kinda old he looked tired, of course, he probably does this all the time with no sleep.
"Where are we" I didn't really know I was going ask him that, it just came out. The bus driver turns to me slowly making sure I was the one talking to him.
"Only the greatest state in America" he smiles showing his surprisingly white teeth.
I smile knowing exactly what he was talking about.
"Thank you" I say to the old man, he looks surprised which made me confused.
"For what?" He asks me, what's does he mean. He took everyone all the way here and he doesn't expect a thank you.
"You took your time to take us all the way here, it must be tiring."
"Well , it's my job"
"Yeah but, thank you anyways"
"You are very welcome" I turn around To Go sit back in my seat before he starts driving away from the rest stop.
Caiden was staring at me the whole way I was going to my seat. When I finally got to my seat Grayson had to get out for me to go inside.
Grayson kept sideway glancing at me, I felt like maybe he wanted to ask me a question, I don't know but it was weird.
" Is there something you want to ask me Grayson?" I turn my head and lift up my eyebrows.
"Uh well, I was curious to what you wanted to do when we got to Los angles, I mean we have to keep a low profile but that still doesn't mean we can't have fun"