I try to look confident while walking back to his table, put his coffee and the first aid- kit down while sitting across from his table.
The man and I were having a staring contest between each other and the first aid-kit. He takes a sip from his coffee not taking his eyes off me ,my heart starts beating faster, im starting to get nervous, but im not gonna let that stop me.
" your cuts aren't too deep so you won't need stitches" I snap out of the trance he put me in.
I grab a big ass band-aid and try to put it on his forehead, he flinched back. I took a course a Red Cross for this kinda stuff so I knew what to do.
"What are you doing?" He furrows his eyebrows while eyeing the band-aid.
"What do you mean, im trying to help you" I say in confusion
He hesitates at first but finally he lets me clean him up.
"Okay so this might sting still a little"
"I can handle-SHIT"
"Im sorry,I should've counted to three or something" I say looking down at my lap
"Its okay, it wasn't that bad"
"Mhmm" I chuckle
"What? " he laughes
"You practically screamed like a little girl" I tried hiding my laughter.
"Oh my gosh, it burned!" He states
" okay, well you're all done"
"Uhh, thank you..?" The man trails off asking for my name
"Ximena, my names ximena"
"Nice to meet you ximena, My names grayson"