Don't Take The Girl Part One

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"Dad does she really have to come with us?" Logan asked his dad as they got ready to go fishing at the lake by their house. "Logan Henderson, you better be nice. We're watching after Hope while her parents are out of town, and there's nothing you can do to change that, so why not try to be friends?" Logan's mom said. "But she's a girl.." Logan groaned. "You know, one day you're going to beg us to let you hang out with girls." Mr. Henderson said knowingly. "But not today." Logan pouted.

9 years later-2006- Logan is 17, Hope is 14

Logan's POV

"Mom! Dad!" Logan shouted urgently as he ran downstairs. "What's wrong Logie? I thought you weren't leaving for LA until tomorrow?" My mom asked when she noticed the bags in my hands. "I'm sorry mom, but Megan (Hope's sister) just called and told me that their cousin Ruben was in a deadly car accident this morning." I rushed. "Oh my gosh, he was Hopey's favorite person. She must be heartbroken." My mom sighed. "I have to go check on her. They're going to their grandparents' tomorrow before driving down for the funeral the next day, so I am just going to be their when she gets there." I rushed.

"See Logan.. I told you one day you'd appreciate us taking Hope on that fishing trip when you were kids. Now, you're the best of friends." Dad smiled smugly. "Yeah, well.." I sighed as I rubbed the back of my neck. "But you don't see her the same way that you used to.." Mom said. "Is it that obvious?" I asked embarrassedly. "Sweetie, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for your best friend. Hope is an amazing girl, you should go for it." Mom smiled. "I think I might. But first, I need to make sure she's ok. I better get going." I said & hugged my parents before walking out of the house & getting into my car.
The Following Night

Normal POV

We just arrived at my grandparents' house and I'm still a total wreck. "I'm going to go change real quickly." I told my parents before heading to my room. "Hey sweetie." I heard when I opened the door & I found myself looking into Logan's big brown eyes. "Oh my gosh, what are you doing here?" I cried. "I had to come and make sure you were ok. I'm so sorry beautiful." He said & grabbed my hands. "Aren't you supposed to be in LA?" I sobbed quietly. "LA can wait. I'm right where I should be right now." He whispered.. "Logie you.. You can't just put your life on hold for me." I protested. "Shh.. You mean more to me than any job in LA ever could. I'm always going to put you above everything else." He smiled & I began crying again. "It's going to be OK sweetie. I promise. I'm here for you." He whispered and hugged me against his chest.
"You're tired sweetie, you should get some sleep." Logan smiled weakly when I came back in the room after showering & getting into my pajamas. "Ok. You're right Logie." I sighed & he tucked me in. "Can you stay with me? Please Logie." I asked & grabbed his hand. "Of course beautiful. Just let me go shower quickly. I'll be right back, I promise." He smiled & leaned down to kiss my forehead quickly and went to shower.

Logan's POV

"Is she doing ok?" Megan asked when I came out of the bathroom. "I got her to calm down & get in bed before I got into the shower, but I don't know if she fell asleep, I'm going to check on her right now. Do you think your parents would mind if I sleep next to her? I just feel like she needs someone to hold her tonight." I explained. "Go ahead Logan." We suddenly heard from the end of the hallway and I turned to see her parents. "I just want to be there for her in case she wakes up in the middle of the night & needs someone to dry her tears." I explained. "No need to explain Logan. She needs you right now. I don't know what made you drive all the way down here, but we're really thankful that you're here for her." Her dad said. "No thanks necessary. My best friend was hurting. I knew right then and there that I needed to be here with her." I explained. "Well we really do appreciate you. Now get some sleep." He added & I opened her bedroom door slowly.

"It's alright sweetie." I whispered as I slid into the bed next to her after I saw that she was crying again. "Just let it out.. I'm here. I'm not going anywhere." I whispered & kissed the top of her head before hugging her closer to me. "I don't know what I would do without you Logie." She cried. "You don't ever have to worry about that sweetheart. I'm always going to be here for you." I promised. "I love you Logie." She breathed before her eyes fluttered closed & she fell into a distressed sleep. "I love you too beautiful. I always have and I always will." I said softly, kissed her forehead one more time, then fell into my own dreams.

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