Don't Take The Girl Part 4

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I'm now over a month into my senior year and my dad has picked me up early from school for a doctors appointment. "Everything is going to be fine. They said that they would call if they found anything wrong on the MRI, right?" My dad tried to reassure me as we waited for my neurologist to come in. "You're right dad. I'm just being paranoid. Everything is fine." I smiled & that's when the doctor walked in.
"So.. You want to admit her to the hospital?" Dad asked.  "Just for observation. We haven't determined if the cyst that we found in her brain has gotten any bigger within the last few years, so I think it's best if we run some tests just to make sure that you're not in any immediate danger." The doctor said.
After I was all set up in my room, I decided to text some friends to let them know I wouldn't be at school this week. Particularly my friends in band. "Sweetie, I'll be right back, I'm going to go find you another blanket." Dad said, noticing that I was a little cold. "Ok. Thanks dad." I said & he walked out of the room.

Dad's POV

As soon as I left the room, I pulled out my phone and called Logan. Hopey is really scared about this and I know that she needs Logan. "Mr A.? Hey what's going on? Is the appointment over? How come Hopey didn't call?" He asked. "Logan.. We have a problem. The appointment didn't go the way we thought it would." I started. "What do you mean? What happened?" He asked worriedly. "She's fine Logan. But the doctor found a cyst in her brain on the last MRI and they just want to take precautions. They're just going to run some tests for now, but I can tell she's scared. I'm not saying that you need to come down here, but maybe just the sound of your voice will calm her down. I told her that I was looking for a blanket for her, so I'd better go so I can get back to her. I'll text you when it's a good time to call. The nurse was helping her get into a hospital gown when I left so.." I paused. "I got you. I'll wait. In the meantime, I'm going to see if there's any way that I can make it down there." Logan explained.

"Thanks Logan. You know.. You're a good guy. I'm so happy that Hopey ended up with you. Even from afar you are always there when she needs you. So thank you." I said. "Of course. I love Hopey with all of my heart. And I love your family too. You all have always treated me like family. I'd do anything for any of you, but especially Hopey." Logan said. "I should go. Talk to you soon son." I said & we both hung up.

Normal POV

"Hey. There you are. I was afraid you might have gotten lost or something." I joked. "No, I just wanted to find you a good blanket." Dad said and put the blanket over me. "Better?" He asked. "Much better. Thank you." I smiled. "Your mom should be here in a little while, and then I am going to go grab you some clothes and anything else you might need or just want from the house. Just tell me what you would like me to bring." Dad said as he typed something in on his phone.

"Is that mom?" I asked. "Uh yeah. She said she's on her way." He said & then suddenly my phone began ringing. "Dad, did you call Logan?" I asked as his name appeared on my caller ID. "I had to. You're going to stress yourself out over this, and you're definitely going to be just fine, so I thought maybe he could calm you down." Dad explained.  "Thanks dad." I smiled. "I'll give you some privacy." He smiled before walking out of the room.

"Hey baby." I said softly into the phone. "Hey beautiful, how are you feeling?" Logan asked. "I'm OK Logie. I'm just staying here so the doctors can run some tests, but I'm sure everything is going to be fine." I tried sounding like I wasn't scared. "Baby girl, you don't have to put on a brave face for me. You can tell me if you're scared." He said & I could just picture his warm smile.

"I'm just nervous Logie. I just wasn't expecting this to happen. And then there's school.. I'm going to miss a few days, which means I'm going to have a lot of make up work to do when I get back, and I'm not going to be able to play with band at the game Friday night, which means no competition, and.." I rushed and Logan stopped me. "Relax baby girl. None of that is as important as your health. You need to worry about yourself right now. Nothing else." He paused. "Not that you have anything to worry about, you're going to be just fine baby." Logan rushed. "I know Logie. Everything is going to be fine & I will be back in school in no time. I won't try to rush anything though. I promise." I promised him.

"I know you won't, but just so I can be 100% positive, I'm going to have to be right by your side." He said. "Logie, I love you so much, but you don't have to do that. I'll be fine, I promise. I won't over-do anything. I can't take you away from work, you must be so busy right now." I tried. "I love you so much more baby girl. Everything's already taken care of though, I will be there tomorrow at noon. Don't worry about me getting to the hospital, I'll take a cab." He said, and when my dad overheard that when he walked in, he told me that he'd go pick Logan up. "My dad said he'll go pick you up." I told him. "No. I don't want you to be there by yourself." He protested. "Logie, this is a hospital. I'll be in good hands, now... You should go and get everything you need ready to go." I said a little excitedly. I can't help it. I've missed Logan so much.

"Someone misses me." He teased. "Of course I miss you." I yawned unexpectedly. "You're tired baby girl. You should get some rest. I love you so much beautiful." He said. "I love you too Logie. I can't wait to see you tomorrow." I said and a minute later, we hung up the phone.

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