Chapter 5: the rescue.

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Jack pov.

it has been almost 3 hours since we last saw Emily. i worried something bad was giong to happen. pitch wanted her for a reason. i told myself that he wanted her because she's the only one who can defeat him. i sat in the back of the sliegh as we passed the forest to pitch's lair. i couldn't stop thinking about her. i stated to think that mabye the others are right. i do have feeling for Emily.

"were here." north said. i  got up and flew off  the sleigh. as everyone walked to the entrance to the lair, i  dragged behind. 'this is all my fault. i took my eyes off of her for 2 seconds and she disapeared.' i thought.

"jack are you okay?" tooth asked.

"yeah." i lied. i didn't want her too see i had strong feelings for Emily.

"okay. lets go." she said. i loked up at her, smiled then nodded.

 we caught up with everybody to find they were standing in front of the lair.

"okay you guys. lets get Emily and find pitch." everyone nodded in agreement. we jumped in the hole and prepared for what lied ahead. we landed prepared to fight. nobody was around so i decided we shoould spilt up.

"okay. ill go this way. bunny, tooth you go this way. north and sandy you go there." i said as i pointed to the direction. i would be going straight. bunny and tooth would be going right  and north and sandy would be going left.

we started searching the lair for emily. i didn't want to loose her. i didn't want anything to happedn to her. i loved her.



Emily's pov.

i woke up in pain. my wiing was broken and my head hurt. pitch did this to me. i cyed. i struggled to get up. the pain didnt help at all. i was going to get him. once and for all. the thought of him made me mad. i noticed i glowed brightly i was being lited into the air. i had powers. my wing healed and my headache went away. i stood up all better  and flew up. i was happy. i was about to head to the exit ewhen i noticed the globe. the lights were going out. 

i flew down to give it a ouick look. children from all over the world are started not to belive. the lights were going out. i worried about the guardians. i flew up to the exit when i suddenly bumped into somebody. it was jack!

"jack your here."

"im so glad i found you." he said. he said hugging me. i hugged him back.

"im glad i bumped into you." i said with a smile.

"come on lets go." he said grabing hold of my hand. i flew with him to the exit.

"wait jack. there's something i need to tell you."


"pitch said if i dont help him defeat you. he's going to hurt Jamie." i said with tears in my eyes. i looked down.

he took my chin and made me look at him. he smiled. we looked into eachothers eyes. we pulled together slowly. his lips gently pressed against mine. i kissed him back. it was magical. i loved jack.

we pulled apart and hugged. "Emily. i promise i will do everything im power to make sure that doesn't happen." i smiled at him.

"Emily! Jack!" i heard bunny call.

we looked adown the guardians were here. Jack and i flew down and meet them.

"oh Emily. Your okay." said the tooth fairy. she gave me a big hug. i hugged her back. i had to admit i missed her to.

"where's pitch? north asked me.

"i dont know. my i have some good news."

"what?" they all said.

"i have my powers!!" i yelled.

 the all smiled and hugged me. i was so happy.

"show us!"

i held out my and over a dead plant my us. i touched the center. i was alive and healthy again. the all looked at me astounded.


sandy shook his head and hade shapes on this head.

"your right sandy. we need to get out of here."

we took of the the top of the lair and exited. the sleight was at the top.. we ran to it and got in. i looked like it was around noon. suddenly i heard foot steps coming our way......

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