Kyoya x (Female) Reader

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Prompt- Kyoya begins to fall for Tamaki's friend from France.


She had only been here a few days

"Hello Kyoya."

And he didn't understand it.

"Hello Ms. Bellamy, how are you today?"

She was just Tamaki's friend, possibly a valuable person to be acquaintances with, so why was she making him so uncomfortable?

"I would be better if you just called me by my first name." She said with a little pout.

He coughed lightly, that churning feeling in his stomach increasing.                                 

"My apologies, _____." He gave her a small bow. "If I may ask, how are you liking Japan, and Ouran as well? Tamaki had informed us that this was your first trip to the country."

"Oh, that idiot." She said, affection clearly written on her face. "I am very much enjoying my trip. It's nice to see all these places that he has told me about."

She paused for a moment, to move a strand of hair out of her face.

"And, of course, everyone in this school has been so nice to me, I'm half tempted to ask my parents if I can transfer here next term."

With those words, Kyoya's heart began pounding much harder, which was rather unpleasant. He wondered if he was getting sick.

"If you do decide to join us, we would be honoured." He gave her his usual smile, the one he gives to the club guests and important people, but noticed it felt more... natural. He brushed it off quickly, and redirected his attention to the girl in front of him.

"That's very nice of you to say, Kyoya." She graced him with the daintiest of smiles before continuing. "I must thank you, as well."

A tad confused, he inclined for her to go on.

"You see, when I heard that Tamaki had left for here, I was afraid he wouldn't have many friends, that he wouldn't fit in, which is how it was in France. He spent so much time with his mother, I was his only other friend. But, when I arrived here, I was pleasantly surprised."

She looked him in the eyes, and Kyoya felt a chill run down his spine.

"I saw how happy he is, how cared for he is, and I realized that the host club plays a big part in this."

She stood up, walked over to Kyoya, and took his hands in her own.

"And while I understand he created the club, you're his best friend, and you keep it going. So thank you, Kyoya."
With that, she leaned in, and gently kissed his cheek. He flushed ever so lightly, and felt himself become warmer.

"It's not a problem, _____, but, if you'll excuse me, I must leave." He pushed his glasses back as he stood up. "I don't seem to be feeling the best, and I would like to get it checked out. Have a nice day."

He walked out of the room as fast as he could without it being noticeable, and once he was out of eyesight, he sighed. As he strode towards the nurse's office, he mulled a few things over in his mind.

'A churning stomach, racing heart, cold chills, and warm spells... I've obviously caught some sickness, what other thing could it be?'

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