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Okay, first off, this is not me giving answers to any of your homework problems! Sorry!

This chapter is about homework and time.

How much time do you spend on homework?

I have a schedule, my homework time is 4:45 p.m. until 7:30 p.m.

Highschool homework is difficult, isn't it? It is, at least for me it is. Teachers dump homework on us everyday, barely on Fridays, though.

So, again, how long do you take on homework?

Before beginning this schedule I made to manage my time, homework took forever! Literally, I'd take up to five hours on one page.

But, then I noticed, I only spent about ten minutes reading the Bible and only five minutes praying to God.

I had put school, grades, and homework before God.

Now, don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with keeping good grades, studying, and focusing in school. But, it does become wrong when we put school first and God second.

You see, I wanted good grades, that became my god, to have good grades and exceed that specific class.

God gave us enough time to do homework, but mostly, he wants us to use our free time for him. He wants us to set a time apart for him and him only.

It's funny how we give most of our time on things that are just temporary, when God is everlasting.

God even said so himself! If we keep God first and bless his name, we will receive the desires of our hearts (If it brings us good!)

We need to set our focus and time back to God, put our stress and time in his hands. We need to go back to him and surrender our time and desires to him.

I'm still new to this schedule, giving most of my time to God instead of school. Hopefully, you can do the same and join me in this new life style :)


Martha and Mary.

When Jesus came to visit Martha and Mary, Martha wanted everything to be nice for him.

So, when Jesus arrived, he sat down, and Mary sat beside him, listening to his stories.

But, Martha was busy doing the tasks around the house. You know, cooking, sweeping, cleaning, etc.
But, Martha noticed that Mary wouldnt help.

She went to Jesus and Mary and confronted them saying.
"Jesus, tell her to help me as well!"

Jesus responded, saying that Mary was listening and focusing on God while Martha was busy doing other things.

This is a great example of homework.
We a re like Martha, we focus more on our homework and forget to make time for God.
But, we should be like Mary, listening to his word and following him.

I admit, nobody is a complete Mary. I also admit, I'm mostly like Martha. But, remember, God made grace for those who were lost, to help them and bring them closer to Christ.

How To Manage Time

One way to manage your time is to set up a schedule. Give about one or two hours on homework. If you finish earlier, you could spend that free time reading the Bible :)

Also, part some time for God, one or two hours devoted to him. It will be a true blessing.

God will bless you with knowledge and wisdom if you give him your time and your desires.

I'm not trying to make homework sound bad! Homework is good, it helps your teacher know how much you know and it lets you know how much you can handle.

But, too much of a good thing can become a bad thing.
But God will always be good, always :)

Trust God everyday. Every morning, pray to him, ask him for help and protection, ask him to help you part time each day for him.

Thank you for reading, hopefully I could help :)

God Bless Ya'll ❤

❤J I L N Y S O T O❤

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