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Heavenly father, I ask that you use me. I ask Lord that this may help a young lady or young man somewhere. Please God. Thank you. Blessed be your name, amen.


We've all struggled to believe that we are beautiful/handsome.

We all have that voice. You know, the one that tells you you're worthless, ugly, disgusting, dumb, useless. . . Yeah, that voice.

I had that voice.

Every time I did something wrong or let someone down or didn't fit in, that voice would come and bother me.

Sometimes, it would even tell me to take my life.

But, above all those yells and screams, a whisper came.
A whisper that would make me ignore those screaming voices.

God's whisper.

He would tell me I am beautiful, amazing, irreplaceable, incredible. . . He would tell me I'm loved.


Why do we badly want to fit in? The answer is worldly temptation.

We see men and women in our generation today with perfect bodies, perfect everything.

And so, we try to be like them.

We want to be called "Beautiful" or "Handsome" by this world. I know that some of you have even cut, starve, and done horrible things to become beautiful/handsome.

But why? It's not worth it.
The world will not do anything but decrease your worth.

But, we have the attention and love from the creator of the universe, yet we don't think his love for us is enough.


No, it's not bad for us to be beautiful/handsome.

It's okay to dress nice, fix your hair, wear a bit of makeup, etc.

It okay to be beautiful/handsome, what's not okay is to be perfect and try to get worldly temptation.


Why are you not beautiful/handsome?
Is because you're short, not developed, too big, too small?

What's stopping you from thinking you're beautiful/handsome?

God doesn't love us by our looks, he looks at our hearts. He doesn't care if your not thin, tall, athletic. . . Physically attractive.

He looks at our hearts, not our face.


Who says that?
Friends, classmates, your boy/girlfriend, parents, family, teachers, peers, anyone?

Why do you care about what they say? Are they worthy of judging you?
No, because only God is worthy of judging.

The world can't tell you that you're a attractive or unattractive. They can't label you "Beautiful," "Handsome," "Ugly," or anything!

The world is blind! They can't see your heart. They can't see what you're capable of.
All they see is your flaws.

But, you know what? Your flaws and imperfections were taken and hung up on a cross.


In the eyes of the world, you're reckless, ugly, etc, but in the eyes of God, you're loved.

Jesus loves you so much, he actually died to have you! Isn't that enough? Some of you will say "Yes," but deep down, it's a no.

God sent Jesus, his only perfect son, to die for us on the cross.
Because he loves us
And angels long for that love.

You see, God died for us, humans. Angels are still confused, because of that love.

The reason why is because, we keep thinking God's isn't enough, and angels are confused because Jesus was willing to give his life because we love him.

And they're even  more confused because we still think it's not enough and God still loves us.

You have a love so special, angels long for it! You're loved by the king of kings, Lord of lords, the beginning and the end, the Great I Am.
So, answer me this question:
How is that not enough?

How is that pure and enduring love not enough?!


You're a precious human being!

The world doesn't know what true beauty is, but God does.

It doesn't matter if you have scars, a dark past, whatever you think is "Ugly."

God doesn't see that, he see's your heart.


Here are some Bible verses God gives to help you stay strong :)

1 Peter 3:3-4
"Don’t be concerned about the outward beauty of fancy hairstyles, expensive jewelry, or beautiful clothes. You should clothe yourselves instead with the beauty that comes from within, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God."

Genesis 1:27
"So God created human beings in his own image.
In the image of God he created them male and female he created them."

Psalms 139:14
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."

Songs of Solomon 4:7
"You are altogether beautiful, my darling; there is no flaw in you."

Matthew 6:28-29
"And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these."

And many more!

God Bless Ya'll ❤

❤Author's Note ~ Hello ^.^
I am very sorry I haven't updated, I've been struggling balancing my schedule and this topic has been really difficult to write. I have also struggled with this, but thank God, I overcame it with him :)

I won't update for sometime, so I apologize for that!

Thank you for reading!

God bless ♥

❤J I L N Y S O T O

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