False Idols

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False Idols.

Hey, before I start let me check my phone. . .

Admit it, you have said this before.

Can you live three days without  your phone? How about a year? Can you?

There is so many false Idols in the world.
Here are some examples:
Social Media
Good Grades
Your Spouse/Partner


Elijah was a prophet of God, who followed his word.

One day, Elijah challenged King Ahab and his people's god, Baal. 

So, they all gathered at mount Carmel, where they offered Bullocks to both "Baal" and God.
450 prophets represented "Baal" and Elijah represented God.

And guess who won?

Obviously, God, because, like Matthew West sings, "Grace Wins Every Time."

Now, let me explain!

We place things that are unimportant first in life. We prioritize it.

But, why are we like that? Because we're human, we are strong, but with temptation, we're weak.

Why Do We Fall To Temptation And Keep Running Back To Our Old Habits?

Our temptation, habits, and worldly things are like a drug. Once you take it, it feels amazing. A feeling indescribable, one that you want to last.

But, drug side effects fade away after about 12-24 hours. That's when the person loses that feeling, they feel pain and experience discomfort.

They want more, and they take more, the feeling disappears, and they're back at it.
They become addicted to that substance.

That's how our habits are. We do them, we like it, it wears off, and we want it even more.

We're trying to find something that fill us and makes happy in this world.

But, you know what? Worldly things are temporary, they don't last. But God's love does! He's eternal, everlasting, infinite, forever.
Nothing can wear that feeling off.

"If you ain't breaking bad, and your still chasing a habit. It ain't no wonderland, so we still chasing a rabbit."
~ "Broken" Lecrae ft. Kari Jobe

But, what if I can't stop?!

What will happen if you just can't  stop? It's difficult to stop once you're addicted.

Drug addiction and world addiction are equally difficult to overcome!

But, remember, you can do it. God is right there to help you in these times. I know, it's difficult to stop. But anything is possible with Christ.

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."
~ Phillipians 4:13

Satan's way to tempts us

Do you know the story of how Lucifer became the Devil?

Lucifer was the most beautiful angel, head angel over others. God had put him in that position.

But, Lucifer let his pride overcome him. He wanted to be like God.
He wanted to be  God.

God knew that would happen, so he kicked him out of heaven.

But, before getting kicked out, Lucifer took 1/3 of God's angels to come with him. He didn't force them. He tempted and convinced them to come. (Example, let's say God has 3,000 angels. Satan convinced 1,000 to come with him to hell.)

Another thing, Satan is NOT an ugly red demon with horns and a tail. No, actually, when he's tempting us, he's beautiful.

He's a beautiful girl, a handsome boy, a new phone, an expensive laptop.
Satan even uses our own dreams  to tempt us.

If Satan could tempt 1/3 of God's angels, imagine how he can tempt us?
He convinced angels  that served and seen God, that God isn't worth their time.

He can tempt us if we don't stay strong.

When tempting us, Satan is beautiful. We're attracted to him, we want the prize. We're falling for that trap.
Right when we fall to temptation, Satan then turns into the monster he is.

What's left for me to do when I fall to temptation?

God. That's the solution. He's the one you were supposed to run to when you were tempted.

He's the one we needed when we were doing something we weren't supposed to.

And you know what? We sometimes get mad at God  for it!

We blame God for leaving us, when actually we left him. We blame God for abandoning us, when actually we abandoned him! We blamed him for failing us, when actually failed him.

We blamed him for everything!
And he took the blame for us, on that cross, hanging!

God will  help us in this situation. He is the only solution to stop being addicted to the drug of this world.

Thank you for reading! Hopefully I could help :)

J I L N Y S O T O ❤

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