Chapter 3

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Brenda's POV

"Hello?" I answer my phone as soon as I get to the women's bathroom.

"Hey beautiful," I hear Harry's deep voice," I was wondering if you could accompany me to this party my dad is throwing. He told me to invite you because he knows we are really good friends."

"Of course!" I smile at the wall," when is it?"

"It's next week on Friday, are you gonna be busy?" He talks so slowly that it makes me close my eyes and focus on his British voice.

"No," I say," I'm free that day." I play with my dress.

"Alright," I hear him say back," I'll see you then love."
Just as I was about to hang up he speaks up again," Oh! And don't worry about a dress I'll be sending you one since it's a really special theme and I wanted to make sure you matched my tie!" I hear him yell. I laugh and agree with him before hanging up.

I continue to fix my hair and making sure everything looks fine. Somehow Harry always gets me in a good mood. He's such an amazing person. I smile at nothing in particular and exit the bathroom.

Grayson's POV

I continue eating my food and ignoring everyone as Brenda walks away from the table. She changed so much. She's not a little girl anymore. She's so beautiful, just like I remembered her.

"What's wrong bro?" I look up and see Ethan staring at me with raised eyebrows. I chew my food slowly and just shrug. He scoots over and sits down in the chair next to me, the chair that belongs to Brenda.

"What happened?" He speaks again.

"Nothing did, I'm just overreacting," I assure him. I know I'm overreacting but I don't care.

"What did you guys talk about?" Oh my god, Ethan just doesn't know when to shut up.

"She went out with Jack," I roll my eyes.

"And," His voice sounds clueless,"it's not like you never went out with anyone."
I shake my head and just decided to ignore him again.

"You know I'm right, that's why you're ignoring me."
As soon as I'm about to speak a cough is heard from behind me. Ethan and I both look at Brenda as she stands there, waiting for Ethan to move I assume.

Ethan stands up but Brenda quickly stops him.

"It's okay," she nods with a tiny smile," I was about to ask you if we could change spots. I just need to talk to Miranda."
Miranda quickly looks up as she hears her name.
"Oh it's fine," Ethan smiles at Brenda.
My eyes widen a bit. She doesn't want to sit next to me. I'm sure that's why she changed spots. I look at Ethan again and notice he has a blush on his face.

"Why are you blushing?" I ask Ethan.

"I'm not blushing," he argues," she just intimidates me."

"Whatever," I'm not in the mood to argue with anyone.

"Dude just chill," Ethan says.
I don't say anything and start eating again.
He sighs and stops talking.
I still kind of can't believe that Brenda went out with Jack. I'm not gonna lie, after she told me that she used to have feelings for me, my hope of those feelings to still be there sparked. And then of course she had to answer a call from Jack which destroyed my hope completely.

"Yo, listen," Ethan whispers in my ear.

"To what?" I furrow my eyebrows and lick my bottom lip.

"Their conversation," he moves his head in the direction of Brenda and Miranda.

"Ethan," I shake my head," it's wrong to eavesdrop."

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