Part One

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“Bring the young lads in.” The directory buzzed his secretary.

“Yes sir.” She responded. After a few moments two late teens walked into the large office. One with blazing red hair and emerald eyes, another with chilling blue hair and ice eyes. Both had the same, deep, complex face, filled with a strong passion. Though the passion differed with each brother. The blazing red head desired to be destruction while the chilling blue head desired to work with one’s self and with others and yet, both had the same goal in mind.

“What the hell do you want this time? Dannie and I are supposed to have a 2 weeks off to recuperate after the battle in the alley way.” Donnie, the red hair boy, shouted at the director as he slammed his hands on the desk.

“Sit down. I have a job for you two to do.” The director wasn’t fazed by Donnie’s usual bad guy, gonna-squash-you-like-a-bug attitude. Donnie was the mirror image of Dannie, rounded face, rectangular eyes, square jaw, hair just covering the forehead. It would have been hard to tell the twins apart if it weren’t for their hair and eyes. Even then their polar opposite personalities were a dead giveaway. There was something else, but it wouldn’t be fun if all the differences between the two were given out so easily.

“Calm down Donnie.” Dannie sighed as he sat down in one the chairs across from the director’s desk. “Let’s just hear him out.” Dannie wasn’t thrilled about this either, but there was no point in arguing with the head of the guild. Donnie glared at the director for another few seconds then sat down next to his brother.

“Now, as I was saying I have a job for the two of you.” The director stood up and walked over to the window that allowed him to view their precious city. Waterways took most of the space where roads would be and sidewalks lined all the water ways. Bright colors were all over the place. Red roofs, pink and blue flowers, clear waters. It was the most peaceful and beautiful place in all of Mejikku. The citizens went in and out of shops, said hello and bought tonight’s dinner. A truly wonderful place to live or visit.

“I’m going to get straight to the point because every minute I take explaining this is a minute we waste.” The director slowly turned around and looked upon the boys with a tired and perplexed face. His brown eyes were weary and his silk blond hair was a mess. “The last thing I wanted to do was ask you two to take part in this quest because of your recent battle injuries, but as I have run out of options and as I have been told, you two have been doing fine in the training rooms, nearly blowing one up as I have been told.”

“And this is getting to the point?” Donnie interrupted.

“You need to understand this before I tell you so be quiet and listen.” Seeing as how Donnie kept his mouth shut, the director continued.

“There was been a disturbance on the eastern borders of our territory. I need to two to go and quiet it,” He didn’t speak for a bit to see if the two, mainly Donnie, had anything to say about it. When neither spoke, the director went on, “A creature has been raiding villages and setting them on fire as soon as it has finished the job. Many have tried to combat such a beast but nearly all have died, overcome by its immense power. So a friend from one of the villages contacted me about it and I’ve decided to send a small team of this guild’s elites to handle it.

“Unfortunately they’re all out on other missions at the moment so I’ve no choice but to send to both of you out.” The director waited to see what the two had to say about this sudden request. Guild members usually got a day’s notice before hand about an upcoming quest, but the director had called up the boys not a few hours ago.

“How do you expect us to handle it then?” Donnie asked. His voice sounded like a bit of a low, deep, growl. One that a mighty beast would emit before it attacked its opponents.

“Perhaps you could channel your destructive side towards the matter. If you can blow up a section of a reinforced building, a creature of this magnitude should be of no trouble to you Donnie.” The director eyed him, daring Donnie to question him again.

“How long do we have till we set out?” Dannie quickly spoke before Donnie could open his mouth.

“You shall set out tomorrow morning before light. That should give just enough time to reach my friend’s village before it gets too dark.” The director ignored Donnie and his hating stare and focused on Dannie, the more reasonable of the duo.

“So we have only a day to prepare? How long shall we be gone then?” Dannie was a bit worried with this short of the notice.

“As long as it takes for you to slay this beast.”

“How much?” Donnie suddenly asked.

“What?” The director was surprised Donnie had bothered to speak up.

“How much are we going to get. From the way you’re making this sound, we should get a hefty sum of coin for doing so.” When it came to money, Donnie never beat around the bush.

“I was wondering when you were going to ask. It’s 3000 gold.” The director coughed the sum in hopes they didn’t hear the exact amount.

“3000 gold?! How dangerous is this beast!?” Dannie stood up in shock.

“Sounds fun.” Donnie gave a devilish grin. “We’ll begin our preparations immediately.” With that, Donnie stood up and walked out the door; not bothering to wait on his twin.

“Er…is there a guarantee in our safety?” Dannie asked as he watched his brother leave. “Donnie never thinks of this sort of thing before it’s too late.”

“Well, I can tell you this. Those who have tried before you were mainly on their own, so there’s safety in numbers. If you wish to add people to your party then I say go for it. You may just increase your odds in winning against this thing.” The director couldn’t give him a yes or no because there was no way to tell what was going to happen.

“Director. What are we fighting exactly? You’ve never told us and Donnie accepted without even bothering to ask, another one of his many faults.” Dannie asked again. The director sighed and turned his direction back to the streets.

“I was hoping that could be put off until later when you had met up with my friend.” He took a small pause that let out a breath. He faced Dannie with a serious face. “You, my boy, will be facing a Fire drake. A dragon.”

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