Part Eight

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“I see…” Rorren said with a very serious and angered face. “And you swear that everything you’ve just told me is the truth?” He stared Dannie straight into the eyes.

“Yes. We were staying there up until 2 days ago when this all came to light.” Dannie answered with a straight face.

“But you were not there yourself?” He asked suspiciously.

“No, my brother was the one who informed me of what had happened.” Dannie replied.

The team had left Deluh right after the fight in the center of the village. It had taken them the rest of the afternoon to arrive at the nearest village, Frey. As soon as they had arrived, Dannie and requested to speak with the head of the village, insisting it was news of the dragon.

“And where is this brother of yours now?” Rorren had been wary of Dannie since he first had walked in through the door. It seemed hardly believable that a boy could have faced the beast that has been attacking all the surrounding area.

“He’s at a inn nearby with the other two, coming up with a way to collect the dragon’s gems from Deluh. If we can’t get those back, then it won’t matter when we kill the dragon, more are sure to come.” Dannie explained once more. It had been nearly two hours since Dannie had arrived and most of the time he had be assuring Rorren that everything he had been saying was real.

“When you kill the dragon? You sound pretty confident when you had to retreat the first time.” Rorren sat back in his chair and starred down Dannie.

“We retreated because one of our members figured out that it would have been pointless since we didn’t have all the facts straight. We would have killed him, left the village, and then get called back in a few months to kill another one.” Dannie stated.

“Seems to me that you all have to figured out quite nicely.” Rorren leaned forward. “So why tell me all this? Couldn’t you have just left us all clueless, grabbed the gems and killed the dragon?”

“It wouldn’t have been right to do that. You all deserve to know the reason why instead of saying it’s a curse from the very depths of hell.” Rorren just continued to stare, as if what Dannie just said wasn’t enough. “Also” He continued “We don’t have the right to arrest or assign punishment to Deluh because we’re not a part of the Enforcers. We’re the Travellers, the people who go out for months at a time to do a mission and then come back only to wait for the next assignment. The best we can do is go back to Wild Rock, file a report, and it could take a few months before anything can be properly handled.

“But, according to the laws of the guild, citizens are allowed to arrest and detain others as long as there is just cause and a guild member to witness it. We want the head of Deluh to be brought in for intent to cause harm and murder. The only way that can happen is if you all make that choice.” Dannie sat in his chair perfectly still, waiting for Rorren’s response. What he got was a bit unexpected. Rorren cracked a smile and let out a laugh.

“Alright kid.” He finally spoke. “I’ll take your word for it. It seems like you only have good intentions here.” Rorren held out his hand and Dannie grabbed it. “We’ll see what we can do about the detainment.”

“Once we come up with a plan for the dragon, we’ll inform you about it. That way you all can be prepared the next time he strikes.” Dannie stood up.

“I’ll be looking forward to it.” Rorren responded. And with that, Dannie walked out and headed his way back to the inn.  

Dannie walked in the room Donnie had rented out for them. It was small with two beds and a single bathroom. He spotted Donnie on the floor surrounded by papers and books.

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