Kiss and Tell

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I couldn't move I was in complete shock. My mouth was gaping, I tried to say something but nothing came out. I saw Cam one part of brain wasn't coordinated with my feet because I was going to talk to Cam but instead I turned around and ran. I ran down the stairs and out of the nearest exit. I ran off the school grounds rushing past students that still lingered around, ran through the sky bridge, past the gas station, and up the hill to my house. I slammed the door behind me and put my back against door than slid down to the floor panting.


After catching my breath I slowly get up from the floor and walk upstairs to my room. My stomach had butterflies. I quickly threw my backpack to the ground and got my phone out than quickly dialed April.

She picked up immediatly not even one ring. "Hello?" She asked. "April you'll never believe what just happend." I said getting a weird feeling thinking about the moment.

"What...did you get robbed!?" She asks now alarmed. "What? No! OK so remember when I went back to school to get something?" I asked waiting for her reply.

"Mmhm." She probably nodded knowing her. "Well when I got back I bumped into Kade and-" "OOOH!!" She said interupting. "Do you want to hear what happend or not?" I asked slightly annoyed.

"Ya...sorry." She apoligized. "Wait this is to important to talk about over the Neon with you?" I ask in hurry so they can get here quickly. The door bell rang. "One sec.." I walked down the stairs and open the door. 

"Oh hey!!" April says at the door with Neon standing behind. I hung up my phone to look at them. "Well that was quick." I say still a bit shocked.

"So what's the news?" Neon asks coming in with April. "Here let's go upstairs." I say tilting my head in the direction of the stairs. We rushed up the stairs like if they were nothing.

"Alright now tell us!" April says impatiently. I let out a breath I didn't know I  was holding.

"Ok so after I bumped into Kade he said he was sorry. Well one thing led to another and......w..we...we...kissed." I said rushing the ending.

Neon's face went from normal to her jaw dropping to the ground. April's face lit up like Christmas lights and she clapped her hands excitedly.

"OH MY GOSH ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?" April yelled jumping around happily. I nodded and waited for Neon to say something.

"I knew from the moment he looked into your eyes the first time you met him that he liked you." Neon said casually.

Ya Neon did introduce us shortly after the whole Cam thing. Dang that reminds me I have to call Cam...

"Excuse me.." I say standing up grabbing my phone and heading downstairs. I waited and waited it went to voicemail.

I dialed again this time he picked up on the second ring. "What do you want?" Cam asked annoyed. "I'm sorry, I truly am if you were there long enough you would have seen what happend."

I rushed than silenced waiting for his answer. "Just meet me down at the gas station in 10 minutes." He says than hangs up. I let out a breath and walked back upstairs.

"I kinda worked things out with Cam I'm going to meet up with him at the gas station in 10 minutes." I explained to April and Neon.

"What? Noo I ship Kaje not Caj!!" April whined. "Kaje and Caj?" Neon questioned raising an eyebrow. April nodded like a child. "Well I need you to go bye.." I say kinda kicking them out of my house. "K bye." Neon says than they leave.

April's P.O.V

Once we were outside I stopped Neon. "Follow me." I say walking to the gas station passed Neon's house.

We get there than hide in the aisel with cheetos. A few minutes later Cameron shows up followed by AJ shortly after. "What are we doing here?" Neon asks annoyed. I shush her and listen carefully to what they have to say.

AJ's P.O.V

"So why did you want to meet here?" I ask looking into Cam's eyes. "Well I figured if Kade made a move so can I right?" He said leaving me confused.

But before I knew it his lips found their way to mine. I didn't stop him because I was to shocked two kisses from two different guys in one day. Quickly I came to realization and stepped back.

"I-I'm sorry it's just been a crazy day..." I say slowly looking towards the ground. "No I should be saying sorry...I should have thought about your feelings." He said scratching the back of his head.

I smiled because he cared. "I'll see you tomorrow at school..." I say walking out of the gas station than rushing to my house.

April's P.O.V

Cam walked out shortly after AJ so now I can freak out. "OH MY GOSH!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT JUST HAPPEND!!!!!" I yell upset.

"This isn't supposed to happen!!!!" I yell even more upset. "Dude calm down we just have to see where this is going." Neon said trying to calm me...boy did she make the wrong decision.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN AFTER MY BESTFRIEND JUST KISSED A GUY THAT HURT HER!? ALSO WHEN SHE CLEARLY HAS THE RIGHT GUY WAITING FOR HER!!!!" I scream at her getting a couple of stares but right now I don't care. "Well looks like sass master April is in town." She mumbles.

"Yep, and she's brought her whip with her so shut it." I growl at her, I just hope AJ doesn't end up with a broken heart when all this is over.


A/N: Hey sorry about the long wait these last two weeks I was going to but it just turned into a diaster. That's still no excuse though so I'll try to my hardest to update long and quickly next time. I'm a bit tired it's 2:20 AM so if I made any mistakes sorry. Anyways hope you liked the change in P.O.V's it was fun next time I'll start with AJ's again or atleast try. I'll also try to add other P.O.V's. hope you enjoyed the chapter..also try to get atleast 6 votes for next chapter to be uploaded I need motivation and I also need to know if anyone is actually reading my story, because it sure doesn't feel like it. Well this is turning into a really long Author's note so bye!! <3

Twitter: @LotsOfFans

Instagram: @dani__faria


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2014 ⏰

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