TMI/TID Fanfic Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

Let me explain: I, Jessica Herondale, am, in fact, Jace Herondale's older sister. I'm not quite a year older than him, but I'm close enough. Most people don't know I even exist. They assume that, because of the Valentine and Jace and Johnathon drama that happened ever since Jace was pulled from my mother's womb, Jace is an only child.

But, obviously, he is not. I am his big sister, and I'd rather not let all the Nephilim out there know it. There are too many of Johnathon's spies out there, so I don't go seeking aid. Plus, I've got a job to keep me busy.

When I got back from being shunned at the Institute, there was a letter in my box. It was crisp and neatly signed, and the white cleanliness of the envelope looked out of place by my dumpster. I remember my nervous chuckle as I picked up the letter. Who could it be from?, I wondered. Who would send me a letter?

I still recall the moment I opened it, the way I read it so slow I thought time had stopped. Little did I know that this letter was only the first.

Dear Jessica Herondale,

Hello, Jessica. This is Tessa Gray, but you should probably call me Tess.

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