Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

The next morning when I woke up, I was slightly disorientated. When I realized I was in Johnathon's room and not mine, the memories flooded my mind. A shy smile crept across my face. I sat up, feeling the blood in my cheeks; looking around, I didn't see him anywhere. But I did see a note.

My Jessie

Meet me in the training room. Don't worry about breakfast.


The smile grew wider on my face as I finished it. He remembered the first letter he ever left me, which means that he cared. After what happened last night, he had to care.

I dashed down the hallway and found my way to the training room. Unlike the first time we trained, I actually know my way around now. Without even thinking, I knew when to turn or go up or down to get anywhere. So, instead of paying attention, I thought about last night. It wasn't rushed or in the moment passion; it was slow, sweet, and true. He made sure I was okay with it before anything. This proved he cared over everything else.

When I reached the room, I slowed my pace in an attempt to calm my heartbeat. Then I pushed my wavy hair from my face. When I entered, the lights were off. I turned to flip the switch, and the door slammed shut. I felt hands pulling my arms, saying "We have to go, now."

It wasn't Johnathon's voice. It was Jace's. I followed his through the dark, wishing I had a night vision rune. We weaved through unseen obstacles, slowing only as we reached a door.

"Go in," he said. "You have to go now. I won't be me for long. Run."

I turned to ask a confused question, and the next thing I know I was falling through darkness. He had pushed me through a door with no floor.

Falling, falling, falling.

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