Chapters 10-12

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Chapter 10:

By the time I was finished evaluating him from behind, we had stopped at a doorway.

"Where are we?", I asked curiously.

He whirled around, quick as a whip, to face me.

"Your room. It's got some clothes in there, but I've no clue what size. I told Jace to go get them. Hopefully he knows you better than you know him."

My mouth had dropped open when he said that, but I snapped it shut. This whole pity-crush-thing is going to take some work.

"Oh okay. Thanks.", I said. I carefully controlled my agitated voice and picked my words with care. I have to say, this is pretty big of me. I've never controlled myself for the sake of another person, but around Johnathon I feel like I should. Almost as if I owe it to him, which I absurd.

"We're too late for dinner, but there's food in the kitchen. We start training tomorrow morning, so rest up. " He stepped forward, lowering his voice and softening his gaze. "And, since you're live here, it's probably best to tell you I go by Sebastian now. I don't want Jace or Clary to get upset by you calling me my name."

My eyes searched his to see past the blackness in them. Then they dropped to my feet.

"Okay, then. Good night Sebas-"

He cut me off. "No," he said. "When we're alone, keep calling me Johnathon."

I looked back up at him in bewilderment.

"O-okay. Good night, Johnathon."

"Good night Jessica."

He turned and glided back down the hallway, and I could have sworn I saw a skip in his step.

A blush and shy smile crept on my face as I entered my room.

I whispered his true name to myself in satisfaction; he wanted me and me alone to call him that.


Chapter 11:

That next morning I awoke to find a note on my neighboring pillow.

"Meet me in the training room. Don't worry about breakfast.


Folding the note crisply into fourths, I placed it into my back pocket. Training room.. Training room..? I wandered around, hoping that by some stroke of luck I would find it. I now regret not paying attention yesterday, but when I remember the beautiful way in which he moved and spoke, that feeling evaporates.

Somehow, lost in my thoughts of a certain pair of dark eyes, I ended up in the kitchen... with Clary. She regarded me curiously, but didn't seem to know how I was.

"Hello.", she stated. The matter in which she talked to me, a mixture of curiosity and politeness, indicated I was correct: neither Jace nor Johnathon had mentioned who I was. I made a hasty decision to keep it that way.

"Hi," I responded curtly. I need to get out of here before she starts to suspect who I resemble...

"Do you, perchance, happen to know where Jo-Sebastian is?", I spit out. My stutter was unmistakeable, but she didn't even react.

"Of course," she responded sweetly. "Down that hallway, second door on the left. You can't miss it, I promise."

"Okay, thanks."


And with that, I spun on my heel and quickly escaped. When I got halfway down the corridor, I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

"Second door on the left," I said to myself.

"First on the left, first on the right, second on the right- ah, here I am." I mentally patted myself on the back for not getting lost in the maze.

"Talking to yourself? That's never a good sign. That shows that you're a loner, like me."

I whirl around to face the voice, but it's Johnathon. My face flushed, nervousness making my fingers tremble.

"I wasn't talking to myself," I argued.

His hands raised in mock surrender, but his eyes were all heat.

"Of course, your highness. I was only making an observation." His eyes sparked, waiting for me to whine back. He wants a fight.

He'll get one.

Chapter 12:

We'd been training for an hour when he finally decided it was time for breakfast. As we sat down, I suddenly found myself wishing for some perfume or at least some clothes that didn't smell lien my dumpster. I shocked myself by checking my reflection in a mirror on a wall, then quickly scolded myself at my ridiculous attitude.

I was fidgeting, wringing my hands together in a fit of self-consciousness. But then Johnathon spoke, my hands stilled.

"You did very well, considering. You've got heart and natural ability, but you don't have the skills training I've had. Like I said, with us together, we could be nearly unbeatable."

My heart skipped a beat when he said "together", but I tried to maintain my outer composure.

"Thank you. You've been so kind, letting me stay here and trying to help me with my skills as a Shadowhunter. But- nevermind." I stopped abruptly, afraid to ask and even more afraid of the answer I would most likely receive.

"Hmm?", he said. Both his eyebrows shot up, pondering whether or not to ask.

"I wanted to go to London to meet a friend- one I've been writing for a long time and never met. I normally wouldn't ask, since London's so far away, but- I have to go. I just have to.", I spit out. The words hung in the air between us, and my fragile fragment of hope begin to wilt like a flower in winter as he considered my wish.

"When do you need to be there?", he said, still stroking his chin.

My eyes flew up to meet his, and everything else fell away but him and I and this moment.

"Two days.", I said, talking so quietly that my whisper was barely audible.

His black eyes turned stormy with thought. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, though, so I waited.

After what felt like forever, he looked at me. The storm in his eyes had calmed, indicating his decision was made. I inhaled and held, capturing my breath as an embrace.

"London is very beautiful, and I'd like to see it. I was wondering that, if I say yes, you would accompany on a tour of London before, or after, your meeting."

I exhaled, and I could feel the blood circulating back down to my toes. My eyes started to sting, a sure sign I had tears about to spill.

"Thank you, Johnathon. Thank you, thank you, thank you." I hugged him, pulling him tight against me. He responded slowly, almost hesitantly. But Johnathon doesn't hesitate; he doesn't even blush. When I released him though, I could have sworn his cheeks were slightly pink. I then turned around and stalked out, letting my happiness and satisfaction turn my careful steps into a confident strut.

Shadowhunter Fanfic: A Herondale TaleWhere stories live. Discover now