Chapter Two: A Dreamland To Me

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Chapter Two: A Dreamland To Me

Woah. I guess I fell asleep longer than I realized. My whole class is gone. I then get up and go outside into the hall. In the distance I can hear something. I follow the noises to the gym. There, I see colors, dancing, and wonderful chaos. There are girls in poofy skirts jump roping, guys with crazy hair skateboarding, and best of all, theres no one to tell us to stop. All this is, is pure wonderful fun. I am quick to join the party. I grab some colored powder and throw it up in the air while turning in a million circles. The purple substance slowly drifts down. I throw color after color. This could only be a dream. A crazy good dream. I don’t even stop to think about how this is even possible, but instead lose myself to the music. For someone who is constantly tired, it felt as if this was the first time I truly woke up. As if everyday was a monday for me, as I struggle to stay awake, and this is my energy filled Friday.

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