Chapter Four: A Sweetness Like No Other

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Chapter Four: A Sweetness Like No Other

I slowly come to realization that I am no longer dancing or drunk for that matter. I stand in the wrecked gym, once again abandoned. A bright light comes from the doors. I walk outside to find a field of never ending purple flowers and tall green grass. Lupin, is what I think they are. The air smells of summer and the sun isn't too hot. Just enough to warm your skin. The wind swiftly rustle the flowers giving a perfect breeze. Birds chirp in the distance. I think this is how people describe heaven. Beautiful, relaxing, and no worries in the world. Am I dead? I don’t care as I close my eyes. I don’t know how long I stand in the deep grass. It could be hours or just minutes. Without warning, I feel a hand touch my shoulder. But before I have chance to even open my eyes, the breeze and the birds stop.

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