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  "Where is she, Joe?" Daryl demanded

Joe looked up surprised to see Daryl standing there, he couldn't have robbed that place already.

"She's not here Daryl" he said quietly pulling the tab for another beer.

"Right" Daryl said rolling his eyes and walking out the back door.

Pulling open the door to the trailer Daryl stepped in and looked around. Not seeing her, he quickly looked in her room then went down the hall to the bathroom. Panic was beginning to set in

"Willow?" He called

Walking back to her room he stepped inside and turned on the light looking at the bed stripped bare. Looking at her dresser, his heart broke seeing the familiar box sitting on it. Walking slowly to it, he gingerly raised the lid and saw everything he had given her still inside. The paints, the brushes, the canvas with his note. Looking at the sketchpad he opened it seeing his portrait was gone and suddenly he had a little hope, but that was soon dashed as he looked down and picked up two pieces of paper out of the trash of his face that she had torn in half.

Placing them in the box and easing the lid back down he stood and stared at it. He never thought she really meant it, that she would really leave. He figured she was just being a brat and trying to scare him...where would she go? Joe was the only family she had left and she really didn't know many people since she wasn't from here. How could Joe just let her leave? Getting angry again, Daryl flipped off the light and went charging back to the bar.

"Where is she Joe?" Daryl said slamming his fist down on the bar.

Joe slid a sideways glance at him and poured another beer.

"I'm working here Daryl. If you want to talk to me, you'll have to wait until the bar closes" Joe said seeing Daryl's anger clearly on his face.

Staring at Joe for a moment, realizing he meant what he said, Daryl sat down and stared at him while he poured him a beer, setting it in front of him. Daryl watched as Joe worked the bar, helping this person and that. It was driving him crazy that the night was passing so slowly. Finally as the last couple left, Daryl watched as Joe began washing glasses.....he had enough.

Getting up and standing in front of him he stared.

"Where is she Joe?" Daryl said quietly

"I'm still not done Daryl, do me a favor and clean off the tables and gather the trash" Joe directed.

Daryl was ready to put him through a wall.

"Fine" he gritted through his clenched teeth.

Daryl cleared the tables and gathered the trash, glancing at the jukebox and then pool table, feeling his heart rip in two, just like that drawing. Grabbing a clean soapy rag, Daryl wiped down the tables and looked around to make sure there wasn't anything else that he would ask him to do. Walking back to the bar Daryl put the cloth back in the water, sat down and waited.

"I can't tell you Daryl" Joe said softly

"WHAT?!" Daryl screamed

Joe put his hands up

"Sit down and shut up Daryl. If you want any sort of chance of fixing this with her, then you're going to sit there and listen to me"

Daryl sat back down quietly and muttered


"I said I couldn't tell you because she made me promise I wouldn't. She's devastated Daryl, she doesn't want to see anything or anyone from this place, including me. I blame myself, I should have tried harder keeping you two apart but...I've always had a soft spot for you son."

"I didn't Joe, I didn't do the job, I couldn't... she was right I wouldn't have been able to live with myself...then hearing you gave Merle an out and he didn't take it? I knew then she had been right about everything. I came back...I came back for her" Daryl choked as the tears began to fall

Joe's heart broke watching the young man who was totally and completely in love with his granddaughter. He hadn't been sure if it was really love between them but watching Daryl's heartbreak showed him different. Sighing he put his hand on his shoulder and squeezed.

"She's with friends of mine about an hour from here. She's OK, she's safe but I'm sure she's every bit as miserable as you are. I'm going to drive out tomorrow and see about if I can get her to come back. I'm going to tell her that you came back and didn't do what Merle wanted. That has to count for something." Joe said

Daryl nodded

"Thanks" he said quietly getting up and heading for the door

"And Daryl" Joe said staring at his back "no following me or I'll turn the truck back around and come home and not say a damn word to her"

Daryl nodded and continued out the door.

Daryl lay in his bed staring at the ceiling thinking, trying to remember the towns that were about an hour away. He knew what Joe said but he was going to follow him anyway. If he didn't see Willow get in her grandpa's truck, then he would have to be the one to convince her. Hearing Merle's motorcycle pull up, he knew there would be a fight, but he didn't care anymore...all he cared about was getting her back and never letting go. Hearing more vehicles pull up, Daryl sat up to try and figure out what was going on.

Listening to Merle pace in the living room he heard the door open and then voices.

"Na, we couldn't get into that place Tiny, just too many guards for two people"

Daryl heard mumblings and some scuffling. Standing up and grabbing his gun he listened by the door getting ready to help Merle

"Wait wait wait fellas, I know I didn't hit that place, but I have another that's just as good...or even better. It's something you've wanted for a long time Tiny...Boondocks."

Daryl heard mumbling and then Merle again

"Yeah I know my brother...but his old lady left him and the old man hates him now...plus he's dead to me, doesn't matter what he wants. We'll hit Boondocks tomorrow night, after closing...usually just him and his door guy there after hours. It will be easy and I can finally get rid of that pain in the ass Joe."

Daryl slipped out his window hearing Merle's last words on his way out. Grabbing his bike he hid around the back of the shed, he pushed it down the drive, coasting until he figured he was far away enough and fired it up, flying back to Joe's. Daryl banged on the trailer door as hard as he could until Joe finally answered.

"Dammit Daryl" he groaned. "I told you I'd see about her tomorrow". Joe stopped and looked at the seriousness on his face.

"What is it?" He asked softly

"Trouble is coming Joe, a whole hell lot of it" Daryl said walking in the trailer.

Daryl sat down at the table while Joe sat across from him and explain everything that happened at the shack.

"Truth is, Merle planned all of this. He knew she'd leave me and you would hate me...this was never about hitting that other place. I mean he probably would have if I hadn't left but it was always about hitting this place. I think he hates how you used to take care of me with food and stuff but never him. I know that's his fault for not being around but I don't think he sees it that way."

Joe sat and thought while nodding his head.

"Daryl, I know I said I would go talk to her tomorrow but I won't be able to. I'm going to have to make a lot of visits tomorrow to have some sort of force for when they show up."

Joe couldn't help but feel bad seeing his dejected face.

"But maybe you could go..."

Daryl looked at him torn. Of course he wanted to go but she would never forgive him if he left the old man.

Daryl shook his head

"Na, she'd want me to stay with you. Plus if I went to her, I'd end up telling her the truth and she'd demand to come back here and she doesn't need to be around this. When it's over, I'll go get her"

Joe nodded as it did his heart good seeing Daryl put her safety before anything else and really hoped they would be able to work things out.

"Alright...why don't you grab some Z's on the couch...we're going to have a busy day tomorrow" Joe said softly

Daryl nodded, kicking his boots off and stretching out on the comfy sofa. He hated how all this was going down but maybe, just maybe if he helped her grandpa and helped save Boondocks she'd find it in her heart to forgive him. Daryl dozed off with more hope in his heart than he had the past couple of days.

Willow sat on the window seat watching the sun come up. She hadn't really been able to eat or sleep or do much of anything for the past few days. Rubbing her chest where her aching heartbeat, fresh tears leaked from her eyes. She had heard of people dying from broken hearts before but never really believed it...until now. She missed him, desperately. The thought of begging the people she was staying with to take her home, crossed her mind about twenty times every hour. Maybe if she knew that he was OK and didn't get hurt when he went with Merle then it would be better...but for now, her sadness and loneliness was consuming her.
Hearing a knock at the door, Willow sighed.

"Come in" she said softly watching the sweet gray haired lady Martha, poke her head in.

"Good morning darlin, Ray and I are going to town for some shopping and breakfast. Would you like to go? Your grandpa said you like to draw sometimes and there's a store that has those sort of things..."

Willow smiled meekly and wiped her tears, nodding her head

"That would be nice, thanks" she whispered.

She really didn't want to go but sitting here in her misery wasn't helping anything and maybe an outing would help. Dressing quickly and brushing out her hair, she stared at the girl in the reflection and didn't recognize her at all. She had dark circles around her eyes and her skin was pale and lifeless. She really did look like death warmed over. Putting down her brush, she knew she had to take better care of herself, being like this wasn't helping anything. Heading downstairs she smiled softly at the couple and followed them outside to their car, praying this distraction would somehow help.

Daryl sat at the bar, sipping a beer as he and Joe would catch each other's eyes now and then. The bar was almost closed, and the anticipation for when Merle and Tiny and their group would show up grew by the minute. He and Joe were busy all day talking to people and trying to form some sort of alliance to show a strong force for when they showed up. Some were happy to help but some weren't sure they wanted to get involved. They wouldn't know how many they had until it came to the showdown. Taking another drink, his heart sped up hearing his brother's laugh. Watching Merle walk through the door with Tiny and about 12 men, Daryl's heart broke from his brother's betrayal but his anger surpassed any sorrow he was feeling.

"Sorry gents, I'm getting ready to close" Joe called to the group

"Now now" Merle laughed "we still have a few more minutes....c'mon Joe don't be like that."

Daryl pulled his gun out and sat it on his lap. Merle hadn't noticed him yet since he sat in the shadows. Watching people file through the door heading home, not wanting to witness what was about to happen, Daryl's heart pounded hoping they would have some backup soon. Watching Joe pour shots for the group he heard him trying to reason with them.

"Here...on the house. Have your drink and go. This old man is dog tired and needs his bed, so drink up so I can get ready to close her up"

Merle and the men did their shots and a murmured laugh rippled through the group.

"Yeah, you're not going anywhere Joe" Merle said "you may have my brother at your beck and call and have him do whatever you damn well please, but that's not me and I'll go when I'm good and ready. You don't like it? Why don't you pull that rifle you keep behind the bar and see what happens" Merle smiled wickedly

Hearing the click of several guns, Daryl thought his heart would pound right out of his chest. Suddenly the front doors opened and men began filing in. Daryl's heart leapt with joy, there had to be twenty...no thirty men that came in. Merle turned around confused as he watched the new group come in but as Daryl stood up and joined the new group, Merle's eyes narrowed and he knew it had been Daryl that had thwarted his plan.

Hearing the deafening sound of clicks of guns from the new group, Merle's group became nervous and backed down. Merle couldn't help but smile

"OK, OK. No need to get your panties all in a twist, we're going. Thanks for the drink Joe" Merle said backing up with his hands in the air.

Watching Tiny and his group walk out the door, Daryl breathed a huge sigh of relief. It was over. He stared as Merle walk to the door, the next set of events seemed to happened in slow motion. Daryl watched as Merle went for his gun, pointing it at Joe. Daryl screaming "NO", jumped in front of Merle's gun that fired with Merle looking surprised and confused. Daryl fell to the ground feeling like a hot poker was searing his skin and then things began to go fuzzy as the blood began to leave his body. The last thing he saw was Merle's shocked and scared face and then Joe's concerned one and a voice telling him to hang on as everything faded to black.

Willow sat straight up in bed but didn't know why. Did she have a bad dream? Did she hear a sound that woke her? No...none of that was it, but something was wrong.....very very wrong. Getting up and sitting on the window seat, Willow stared out the window trying to figure out why she was feeling so scared and worried.

She had a pretty nice day eating and shopping with Martha and Ray and had picked out a few pieces of charcoal and a drawing pad at the store. She still wasn't to the point to where she actually wanted to draw but it was nice knowing it was there in case she wanted to. Her heart began to hurt again thinking about all the art supplies she left back at Boondocks. She knew the ache wasn't from the supplies but who they came from. She had been trying so hard not to think about him but she couldn't help it as the blueness of his eyes and the sweetness of his kiss invaded everything about her. Feeling her sobs begin again, she sat back against the wall knowing this would be yet another day she would watch the sun come up in tears.

About an hour later, lost in her memories, Willow felt like she had been splashed with cold water as she watched her grandfather's truck roll quickly up the driveway. With her heart hammering, she slipped on her jeans and shirt and went running down the steps. It had to be like 4am, what could he possibly be doing here? Watching Martha and Ray come out of their room in robes, they must have heard grandpa's truck barreling up the driveway as well. Watching Ray open the door as her grandpa pounded, Willow thought her knees would buckle seeing the look on his face and his shirt covered in blood.

"Willow" he said softly "You need to come with me"

Willow nodded but it didn't feel like herself that was nodding. She felt like someone else was in charge of her body. Grabbing her hand and pulling her quickly to the truck, Willow got in and clicked her belt into place as her grandfather tore back down the driveway, gunning it harder as he hit pavement. They drove silently for awhile. She wanted to ask but she already knew...it was Daryl.

"Is he dead?" She whispered

Joe looked at his granddaughter who looked like she was about to lose it.

"No" he said quietly "but he's been shot and he's in surgery right now. He's going to need both of us there to pull through this."

Willow stared out the window as her anger began to boil.

"I told him! I told him this would happen if he went and now I could lose him! I hate him for this!" She cried

"Willow" Joe said in a calm voice "He didn't. He came back...he said you were right and couldn't do it"

Willow stared at him.

"I don't understand... how did he end up shot then?" She asked quietly.

"He saved my life Willow....he saved my life and Boondocks...." Joe said looking at her.
Willow stared back completely confused


"It's a long story but the basics are that he didn't rob that place, he left and he came back for you and was completely torn up that you were gone. I told him I'd try and talk to you so he left but came back when I was in bed and told me Merle and his group was planning on robbing Boondocks. Next day Daryl and I rounded up a bunch of guys to help and it worked, Merle and his group were leaving after they showed up, but Merle pulled a gun on me last minute and Daryl jumped in front and took the bullet for me."

Willow sat stunned. Not so much that he jumped in front, saving her grandpa, but that Merle had been the one to shoot Daryl. No matter how awful Merle could be, she knew he loved Daryl, even if it was a warped and twisted kind of love.

"Hurry grandpa" Willow said with huge eyes.

Joe had barely parked the truck when Willow jumped out and ran for the brick building. Reaching the nurse's station in a panic, all she could say was

"Where is he?"

The two nurses looked at each other not sure what she was talking about.

"Where's who sweetheart?" they asked softly

Joe walked up just then and put a hand on her shaking shoulder

"We're looking for Daryl, Daryl Dixon" he said softly

"Oh...gunshot....right. I think he's still in surgery. You can wait in those seats over there." The nurse said pointing to a row of chairs against the wall.

Joe walked Willow over to the chairs and sat down as Dr. Mike came walking out of a door.

"Oh good, I was hoping you were back Joe...hello Willow" he said softly

"How's he doing Doc?" Joe asked with concern

Willow felt like she was going to throw up waiting for his answer.

"Well...I got the bullet out OK, but he's lost a lot of blood. It's going to be touch and go for awhile good news is that he's breathing on his own and his heartbeat is steady but I'm worried about the blood loss and any clotting...we'll know more in a few hours."

"Can I see him?" whispered Willow

The doctor looked at her thinking.

"Normally I would say no, but he kept asking for you when we were taking him into surgery so it might help, you being near him. Just please don't try to wake him, he needs his rest." Dr Mike finally answered.

Willow nodded and walked with him as he led her to Daryl's room. Opening the door, Willow stood there looking at him and it took everything she had not to run and throw her arms around him and cry. He was so pale she couldn't believe it.....she was so used to seeing his sun-kissed bronze skin and now he looked like just a shell of himself. Where he was so normally so strong and full of life, he looked so frail and lost. Walking over to his bed, looking down on his sleeping face, she couldn't resist softly pushing back his hair from his eyes.

"I'm here" she whispered as tears slid silently down her face, watching him as he stirred slightly.

Not wanting to wake him, she sat down in the large chair near his bed, curling her legs underneath her as she stared at him. Willow looked up seeing her grandfather enter the room and nod at her. She watched as her grandfather looked at Daryl and could see the guilt all over his face. She knew it hurt him that Daryl got hurt in his place...he thought of him like a son no matter what happened between them. Watching him walk over to where she sat he whispered

"He's going to be fine"

Willow nodded feeling her throat tighten.

"Pops, you need some rest" she whispered "There's a motel near here that you can get some sleep"

"You coming with me?" Joe whispered back already knowing the answer.

Willow shook her head

"No, I'm not leaving until he's awake and I know he's OK" she whispered

Joe nodded

"Alright sweet girl, I think you're right. I haven't had much sleep the past couple of nights and it's catching up to me. I'll be back later in the morning." Joe whispered

Willow reached up and squeezed his hand that was on her shoulder and watched him walk out of the room. Alone with Daryl again she stared at his face and his body lying there so quietly. She knew she wasn't supposed to disturb him but she couldn't help sliding her hand into his and squeezing softly whispering

"I'm here Daryl. I promise I'll never leave you again but you have to come back to me." She said staring at him...adding

"Please Daryl, please....."

On a Wing and a Prayer (Walking Dead FanFiction w/OC)Where stories live. Discover now