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  Willow stared into the mirror, rubbing her belly trying to think. Was she late? With everything going on and the move she couldn't remember her last period. The last one she could remember was when they were getting ready to move in and that was like 5 or 6 weeks ago.

Walking absentmindedly back into the bedroom, she looked at Daryl who was awake propped up on one elbow.

"You get sick again?" He asked softly

Willow crawled back into bed and snuggled next to him.

"Not really" she whispered "I thought I was but there's nothing in my stomach. I think I might have a touch of the flu...I have a little of the chills and body aches" she fibbed. She hated lying to him but she didn't want to freak him out with baby talk if it was a false alarm.

Willow felt his hand on her forehead

"You don't feel like you have a fever" he said softly "maybe it's just a 24 hour thing"

Willow nodded and closed her eyes

"Maybe" she whispered drifting back to sleep in his arms

Willow woke several hours later and had to admit she felt a lot better. Maybe it was just a 24 hour thing. Swinging her legs out of bed, she got dressed and walked down the stairs looking for Daryl and Merle. Not seeing them downstairs, she looked outside and smiled seeing the two sitting there fishing. Walking back into the kitchen, she looked around. She was hungry but she wasn't sure she could trust her stomach. Deciding on some tea and toast, she turned the burner on under the kettle, she reached for a cup and a teabag of chamomile. Hearing the door open she turned and looked seeing Daryl walk in.

"Hey, I'll do that" he said softly coming up behind her wrapping his arms around her. "How you feeling?"

"Better" she smiled "I want to see how tea and toast goes then I'll tell you how much better"

"Here, sit down. Let me" Daryl said as she stared at him "please?" He added

Willow nodded and moved out of the way letting him fix her tea. Popping herself up on the kitchen counter, she watched him as he got the bread out and put it in the toaster, and turned the flame up on the kettle. Walking over to her, he grabbed her around the waist and kissed her softly. Out of nowhere, Willow's hunger for him grew tremendously. Pulling him closer and kissing him heatedly he chuckled

"I guess you are feeling better"

Willow nodded and kissed his neck, sliding her hands up his shirt

"Hey" Daryl said softly "we should probably try to get something in you first"

"I am trying to get something in me" she whispered

Daryl chuckled loving that she was feeling better, returned her hungry kisses and moaned softly as she slid her hands over his backside pulling him closer to her. Unable to resist he slid his hands under her rear, pulling her tight against his hardening shaft. Jumping at the sound of the kettle whistle, he grinned and backed away from her turning off the stove

"You're bad" he smirked as he poured the water

" can't start something like that and walk away, that's not very nice" she pouted

"Stop it. I'm not looking at the lip, drink your tea and eat your toast then we'll talk about me doing not nice things to you" he said covering up her mouth with his hand.

Willow rolled her eyes but nibbled on her toast and sipped her hot tea.

"This does taste good and I do feel better" she admitted drinking more tea.

Daryl nodded

"I was we just got to wait to see if you can keep it down" he said softly still a little worried.

Picking her up and carrying her into the living room, he set her on the couch and stretched out next to her.

"So when do you want to get married?" He asked her quietly.

He had been wondering about this lately plus he knew getting her thinking about it was a sure fire way to distract her from sex for the next little while so he could make sure she was OK.

Willow smiled at him

"You're trying to distract me" she giggled "OK tomorrow? Doesn't matter to me...I think that's how it goes" she grinned trying to wiggle underneath him

Daryl shook his head

"You're impossible" he whispered kissing her slowly "but honestly I have been thinking about it. What if we got married on New Years eve? Kind of like starting a new year and a new life it's a really easy date for me to remember" he grinned

Willow stared at him so unbelievably touched that he really had been thinking about this.
Nodding her head she caressed his cheek with her hand as she stared into his beautiful pools of blue.

"I love that idea" she whispered

"I don't know if you're wanting to do it in a church or whatever but I was wondering if we could just do it at Boondocks. I mean that's where we first met, had our first fight, our first kiss, our first dance, where I first realized I was in love with you, and where we had sex the most, but maybe we won't tell your grandfather that last part" he chuckled.

"I think it's perfect" Willow smiled "it's large enough to fit everyone we want to invite and then we can have the reception right there plus a new years eve party. You really are the perfect guy aren't you?" She said softly sliding her fingers through his hair.

"I don't know about perfect, but I did kind of like thinking about it" he smiled

"Says the guy who absolutely refused to be my boyfriend, but then said you would be but didn't know how and then ended up being the best one on the planet" she giggled

"I wouldn't say that either, I had some serious rough patches there for awhile" he said thinking about when he left her.

"Hey" she said grabbing his chin making him look at her "you are the best. You put up with my mouth, my temper, my insecurities, my foot stomp" she smiled "I can't imagine my life without you."

Daryl kissed her tenderly, loving every taste and touch of her. Feeling their desire spark, he eased back. He still wasn't convinced she was all better. She had kept the tea and toast down for over an hour but she had been pretty sick last night and he wasn't taking any chances.

"What are you doing?" Willow asked wanting more from him

"Willow, you were really sick last night, you need rest and time to recuperate" he said softly

"Fine" she said pushing him off her standing up

Great, here comes the temper, he thought.

"I'll take care of it myself" she said and stomped up the stairs

Daryl sat there utterly stunned that she had brought that up again. Staring at the stairs he shook his head, what the hell was he doing sitting there? he thought as he went running up the steps.

Willow stood in their room and felt somewhat guilty of the fit she threw but she couldn't help it. Her hormones were going crazy and even the smell of his skin was enough to make her lose her mind. Turning around she watched him as he leaned against the door frame with his arms crossed across his chest as he slowly crossed his ankle

"If you're going to take care of it, then get to it. I get to watch though" Daryl said with a half smile

He was daring her again, just like that night with the shot of whiskey that seemed a lifetime ago.

He should know better.

Willow stared at him and unbuttoned her jeans, sliding the slowly over her hips dropping them to the floor. Slipping her t shirt over her head, she dropped it letting it land on top of her jeans. Unhooking her bra, she pushed the straps forward exposing her full and ample breasts that were aching to be touched. Staring into his eyes, she had to hide a smile because of the look on his face. She was getting to him and she was loving every minute of it. Hooking her thumbs in the corners of her panties, she turned her back to him and bent over slipping them off and smiled hearing him take a step in and shut the door.

Climbing onto the bed, she lay naked and stared at him as her hands slowly slid down her body. She was so nervous but excited to be doing this, she had never done this before, at least not in front of anyone and the erotic sensations that tingled over her body that felt absolutely amazing. Sliding her hand down further, her breath caught as she slipped her fingers between her wet lips and rubbed her button of pleasure. Willow watched as Daryl kicked off his boots and slipped off his shirt before unzipping his jeans. Watching his pants drop and see the large bulge in his shorts, his excitement only heightened hers. Watching him rub the front of his shorts did things to her she didn't think was possible. Sliding a finger inside she moaned as she watched Daryl pull out his thick cock and stroke himself watching her. The erotic feeling tripled in intensity. Never letting her eyes leave him, she watched as he walked towards the bed to lean over and devour her mouth.

"Daryl..." she whispered

And that was all it took as he climbed on the bed and pushed her hand away, replacing it with his own, she groaned feeling his masterful fingers bring her the pleasure only he could give her. Sliding her hand up and down his long, hard erection, he moaned in her mouth as he kissed her.

"I can't wait any longer Willow, I have to have you now" he whispered plunging his full length inside her.

Willow's body rocked with pleasure as he drove into her feeling her insides tremble as she reached her climax almost instantly. Feeling Daryl's release come on like a freight train, they were both left sweating and panting staring in wonder at each other.

"That was unbelievable" Daryl whispered sliding his arms around her kissing her softly
Willow nodded not quite sure she was able to talk just yet

"I never did anything like that before" she whispered "you're a bad influence" she laughed still catching her breath

"If I can cause that kind of reaction, then I'm a damn good influence" he laughed still kissing her slowly.

Willow smiled and kissed him back, snuggling up next to him and closed her eyes as he gently rubbed her back. She was so happy she seemed to be over the sickness but she still tired more easily not having a lot of food in her, although she'd never let Daryl know that for fear he'd hold back again. Hearing Merle rummaging around downstairs in the kitchen she laughed softly

"Sounds like someone is looking for something to eat" she said softly

"He can fend for himself...I am way too happy and content to move a muscle. I think maybe we'll stay right here for the rest of our lives...or at least until I get hungry" he grinned wrapping his arms around her tighter. "I love you so much" he whispered "I can't imagine my life without you either"

Daryl and Willow lay in bed for the rest of the afternoon talking quietly and enjoying each other. Getting a whiff of something delicious being cooked downstairs, Willow laughed as her tummy grumbled.

"Hey Y'all hungry?" Merle yelled up the stairs

"Yes!" Willow yelled back and jumped out of bed.

"So much staying here for the rest of our lives" Daryl teased as she turned and looked at him.

Smiling she looked his magnificent body laying there naked and had second thoughts about eating.

"Alright, I'm up" Daryl said rolling out of bed "you gotta stop looking at me like that or we'll never eat again" he said softly slipping on his clothes

"I can't help it you're a serious piece of beefcake, I'm going to look at you every chance I get" she grinned

Daryl laughed and chased her out of the room catching her as they hit the bottom step.

"Damn bro, what smells so good?" Daryl said walking into the kitchen still play wrestling with Willow.

"Well, I fried some fish up for us but I wasn't sure Willow here could stomach that, so I made a pot of chicken noodle soup...well turkey noodle since there's quite a bit left. Figured that would be better on her stomach" Merle said

Willow smiled at him and couldn't help herself as she kissed his cheek softly.

"Thank you Merle" she said sweetly and grinned seeing him blush

"She does it to the best of us bro" Daryl said laughing at his brother's blush.

"Shut up dummy, that's just the first time I've ever been kissed by a real lady before is all"

Daryl couldn't help himself laughing again.

"Whatever you say bro, I worked up an appetite, I think I'm going to have both" Daryl said sipping a spoonful of soup.

Sitting down to eat Willow tasted the soup and savored the mouthful, it was delicious. Eating an entire bowl, she would soon find out if she was better or not. After dinner she and Daryl sat in the living room with Merle and she cuddle next to Daryl as she listened to them tell stories of crazy times they had. Feeling herself get sleepy, she headed off to bed soon followed by Daryl who was ready for another round of love making. Laying in his arms, Willow started to drift off thinking she was glad she wasn't sick anymore and also glad she didn't bring up to Daryl about her maybe being pregnant...true she was still late but there had been a lot of stress in their life and that was probably it. Curling up against his warm body she fell soundly asleep until very early morning. Sliding out of bed and running to the bathroom to get sick, she flushed the toilet and thought, well hell.

For the next couple of weeks Willow had pretty much the same routine, pickup around the house, visit grandpa and Annie, make love with Daryl and get sick every morning while Daryl slept. She knew she should tell him, but she wanted to be sure before she sent him into a full blown panic. Sitting at the bar, watching grandpa and Annie work, she looked in surprise as her grandpa sat a beer in front of her and Daryl. Staring at the drink, she knew she couldn't drink it, so she slid it in front of Daryl

"What's wrong?" Daryl asked seeing he now had two beers

"Nothing, just not in the mood for beer" she smiled

"Hey Willow, I'm taking a trip to Peach tree tomorrow to do some last minute Christmas shopping, you want to go with me?" Annie asked

Willow practically jumped out of her stool she became so excited. This was exactly what she had been hoping for. Trying to calm herself she sat back and tried to be nonchalant

"Sure Annie, there's a couple of things I need to pick up plus some stuff for Christmas dinner. You guys are still coming right?" Willow asked trying not to look at Daryl who was staring hard at her.

Sliding a glance at him she felt her cheeks blush...crap.

"By that look and by how much you want to go tomorrow, I'm hoping the present you're going for is mine" he winked

"Maybe, maybe not" she grinned, glad that's all he thought it was.

"Your grandpa wants us to pick up stuff for the wedding too. He ordered something from Bill and it's supposed to be in, won't tell me what it is though" Annie grinned

Willow smiled and nodded but couldn't help but be distracted. Everything was falling into place. Annie would be busy with whatever and she could excuse herself and slip in to see Doc Mike to find out once and for all.

"So what was that all about?" Daryl asked kissing her belly, making his way back up to her mouth.

"About what?" Willow asked still out of breath from her last orgasm.

"About you being all excited about going to Peach tree tomorrow" he whispered nuzzling her

"I wasn't that excited" she lied "I just have things to get and to do"

Daryl raised an eyebrow at her

"Maybe I should go with you to make sure you're not up to no good" he teased

"NO! I mean no, you can't go" she said thinking dam it, relax or he's really going to get suspicious

Daryl laughed

"So it is for me" he said kissing her softly

Willow smiled and nodded

"Yes, it's for you, you found me out now drop it or you're not getting it" she scolded as she kissed him.

"Fine" Daryl sighed and slid behind her to spoon her body as they slept.

"I hope it's something good" he teased kissing her shoulder

"Me too" she whispered

Willow was a bundle of nerves as Annie drove to Peach Tree, but thankfully Annie didn't seem none the wiser as she chatted about Christmas and the wedding. The wedding, Willow thought. It had seemed almost like an afterthought because of her dealing with the possibility of being pregnant.

Pulling into the main square, Willow walked with Annie to where she needed to go and picked up a few groceries for Christmas eve dinner tomorrow evening. Finding a new pipe for her grandpa and new riding gloves that would match their new leather jackets she had gottenfor Merle and Daryl, she was kind of relieved she found them extra presents so her saying it was for him, wasn't a complete lie.

"Willow, I just need to run in here and see Bill for a bit" Annie said

"Sure Annie, I have one more place I need to stop. How about we meet at the diner when we're done and grab a bite?" Willow asked

"That sounds good sweetie, see you there!" Annie said and took off in the opposite direction

Willow walked quickly to the big brick building and opened the door praying doctor Mike would be there.

"Willow! Hello there! I hear congratulations are in order" Doc Mike said

Willow was stunned for a moment

"Huh?" She said quietly

Doc Mike looked at her strangely

"Your wedding next week? Are you feeling OK Willow?" He asked

"Oh, oh yes, thank you, I hope you can make it. As for the other thing, can I talk to you in private for a moment?" She asked

"Absolutely" the doctor said and escorted Willow to a private room.

Willow sat across from Annie in a fog. She nodded and smiled but her mind was so far away. She indeed was pregnant...6 or 7 weeks pregnant and will be due in July. Doing the math, that meant she had gotten pregnant towards the end of October which could have been their first night in the new house. Now how to tell Daryl...

What she wanted to do was after dinner and gifts were opened, she wanted to tell him he had one more gift and have him open a small box with baby booties but she didn't have any baby booties and that just seemed to cutesy for a Dixon boy. Not sure what to do Willow smiled and nodded when Annie asked her if she was ready to go.

Walking into the kitchen with her bags, she set them on the counter and looked at Daryl laughing with Merle and her heart did a funny thing. It filled up so much she thought it would burst.

"Hey beautiful" Daryl smiled walking into the kitchen but was stunned as Willow wrapped her arms around him tight and burst into tears.

"Willow, baby, tell me what's wrong...c'mon let me help" Daryl said clearly concerned

"Daryl, this is going to make zero sense to you but there is absolutely nothing wrong. I think I'm just overly emotional with Christmas and the wedding and I'm tired from shopping and I have to cook dinner tomorrow and..."

Willow's words were cut off by a sweet kiss

"First of all Annie and Martha will be here to help and me, Merle and your grandpa will be roasting the ham in the smoker so don't worry about any of that. The wedding is all but set, all you have to do is show up. How about I draw you a hot bubble bath and you soak some of those worries away and get a good nights rest?" He said softly kissing the tip of her nose

Willow nodded and sniffled. She hated acting like such a child but the enormity of everything was just a little much. Grabbing the groceries, Merle came in and stopped her

"I got those little lady, just go do what you need to do" he said quietly and began putting them away.

"Thank you Merle" she smiled softly and grabbed her gift bags and took them to her room.
Hearing the water running, she grabbed her PJ's and undies and walked into the bathroom seeing Daryl sitting on the side of the tub.

"C'mere" he said softly holding out his hand

Willow took it and watched as he undressed her, kissing her everywhere as he did. Not being able to hold back the tears again, she tried blinking through them so he wasn't again alarmed. She just couldn't help but think how much she loved him and how absolutely wonderful he was and that if he wasn't happy about the baby, it would destroy her.
Easing herself into the tub, she let the hot water work on her stressed body, relaxing all of her worries. Willow closed her eyes and felt Daryl shampoo and condition her hair and then wash her back and shoulders. Completely relaxed, Daryl helped her out of the tub, he wrapped her in a towel and began drying her body and then hair.

"OK, get dressed, I'm going to go get changed and ready for bed" Daryl said softly

Willow couldn't help but feel guilty about cutting short his evening

"Daryl, you don't have to-" Willow stopped as Daryl gave her a look "OK" she said softly and began getting dressed

After brushing her hair out, Willow got in bed next to him and held onto him tightly as he held her. She couldn't help but worry with how absolutely perfect everything was between them and now everything was about to change. A part of her couldn't wait for tomorrow to be over but another part completely dreaded it. She had made up her mind to tell him after the gifts were opened but she still wasn't sure she could do it in front of everyone.

Willow sat in the living room as if in a dream. Everyone was laughing and talking and enjoying all of their gifts. Merle was thrilled with his new leather jacket and hunting rifle as was Daryl and his new crossbow she had gotten for him. Her gifts were just as wonderful with new clothes, a beautiful cashmere throw blanket, and a gorgeous sapphire necklace Daryl had gotten her to wear for their wedding as something blue. He also surprised her and gave her their wedding band set for next week and both rings, his and hers, were just as beautiful as her engagement ring. Feeling a bit overwhelmed and anxious, not sure she could do this, she excused herself to the kitchen.

Daryl watched her walk into the next room and couldn't help but worry. He knew something had been wrong since yesterday but she wasn't saying a word, probably because of Christmas. Whatever it was, it was neighing on her heavily and he was done with watching her suffer. Getting up and excusing himself he walked into the kitchen with her to find out once and for all what was wrong.

"Willow?" Daryl said walking into the moonlit kitchen finding her staring out the glass doors

Willow turned and smiled at him holding out her hand

"Willow you have to-"

"Wait Daryl" she interrupted "I have one more gift to give you" she said softly

Daryl sighed

"OK but lets go back in the living room, but after, we need to talk" he said

Willow shook her head

"No...I was going to give it to you in front of everyone but...I just can't. I think it should just be us two, at least until I give it to you"

Daryl stared at her completely confused

"OK...where is it?" He asked

Willow took a step closer and grabbed his hand placing it on her belly.

"Here" she whispered

Daryl stared at his hand on her stomach but wasn't getting it. Looking at her face and her glistening eyes he looked back at his hand and it hit him like a freight train.

"You're pregnant?" He whispered

Willow nodded watching him carefully

"Are you sure?"

Willow nodded again

"That's why I needed to go to Peach tree...I went to see Doc Mike to make sure. I'm about 6 weeks, almost 7. I'm due in July" she said quietly

"Are you happy about it? I mean you were crying yesterday and today you've been really distant..." he asked worried

Willow nodded

"I am. I guess I've just been worrying that you wouldn't be"

"Willow..." Daryl sighed

Willow watched as Daryl dropped to his knees and wrap his arms around her waist and press his cheek against her belly

"Hey little's your dad..." he said softly

Willow couldn't help it as the tears that poured from her eyes, watching Daryl turn his face to hers with a few tears on his cheeks. Willow went to her knees and wrapped her arms around him as he held her as the reality of them becoming parents hit them full on.

"I'm gonna be a dad" he whispered "how crazy is that? And for the record if I was worried about getting you pregnant, I believe I would have used protection...I mean I assumed it would happen when it was supposed to and I guess that's now. You OK with all of this?"

Willow nodded and kissed him

"Yeah, I'm excited, especially now that I know you are too...and that flu I had a couple weeks ago? Not the flu" she laughed softly

"You've known since then?" Daryl asked

Willow shook her head

"No...I mean I wondered but I guess I was in a little bit of denial. I didn't know for sure until yesterday. I wanted to tell you last night but then I thought it might be a nice Christmas present. I was going to tell you in front of everyone but I chickened out." She said quietly

"It's OK " he whispered softly kissing her deeply. "It was kind of nice just being us, but we should probably go back in there and announce it or something" he smiled

"Wait, I do have one more gift, hang on. I got it just in case you wanted to celebrate". Willow said and ran to the hall closet and took out a box and handed it to him.

Daryl laughed softly staring at the cigars

"C'mere" he said softly and grabbed and kissed her with all the love her felt in his heart

"Alright you two, you joining us or do you want us to leave?" Grinned Joe

"No, no...we're on our way back in. Nobody go anywhere, we have one more present to give" Daryl said with a smile

Willow held Daryl's hand as they walked into the living room and began passing out cigars to everyone including Annie and Martha.

"What in the world is this Daryl?" They all asked looking at him and their cigars.

"'s for a celebration. It appears that I'm going to be a dad and Willow a mom." He said quietly

The room was silent for a moment until an uproar of hugs and laughter.

"I can't believe I'm going to be a great grandpa" Joe said "man does that make me feel old"

Willow hugged and kissed him "no pops, you're not. From now on I call you pops and the baby can call you grandpa" she smiled at him as she saw a tear in his eye

"And Daryl, you better be at that alter next week...don't make me get my shotgun" Joe teased

"Joe...the devil himself could not keep me from her next week" Daryl smiled softly  

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