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  Willow hugged her grandpa goodnight and watched their last guest leave for the evening.

"C'mon mommy," Daryl said scooping her up in his arms "that is still really kind of weird to say" he laughed

Willow kissed him and smiled

"It really is weird, dad" she laughed as Daryl headed for the stairs.

"Wait, wait, wait" Willow said, stopping him "let me down for a second, we forgot something"
Daryl put her down looking at her curiously, watching her walk to the closet. Willow dug around and smiled, pulling out two Christmas stockings. Showing Daryl, his heart ached seeing one labeled

"Daryl" and the other "Merle"

"What's that for?" He whispered

"For Santa to fill of course" she smiled

Daryl watched her walk into the living room and hang them above the fireplace as a lump in his throat grew. It touched him so deeply that she wanted to help fix something that hurt him as a boy. During one of their many late night talks, he and Willow had talked a little about their childhoods. It was something he still had trouble talking about, but to give her a better idea what it was like he had explained to her how in his house, Christmas gifts weren't given and Santa never came.

Thinking back to when he was a boy, he remembered writing Santa and apologizing for every bad thing he could think of that he and Merle had done that year in hopes he would finally stop by his house. He never did though and it made it hate him especially after seeing all the neighborhood kids with their new toys and gifts. Eventually he knew that there really wasn't a Santa and it made a lot more sense to why he had never gotten anything, but it still hurt that all these other kids parents went out of their way to help them believe a magical man had stopped and left them presents and his father would care to leave them a stick of gum.

Looking at the stockings, Daryl frowned slightly

"But you don't have one," he said softly, wishing he would have thought of making her one as
Willow smiled at him

"I do but it's at grandpa's place." She said hugging him looking at the stockings, admiring her handiwork.

"Next year there will be four of them,by," he said softly looking at her still completely blown away by the fact he was going to be a dad.

Willow smiled and nodded

"Alright, I need to get you to bed so Santa doesn't pass us by. Move mister" Willow said pointing up the stairs.

"You're going to make a great mom" Daryl laughed "you are so bossy"

Willow grinned as they climbed the steps and got ready for bed. Watching him lay his head on her stomach again, she played with his hair listening to him talk.

"I know people always say they don't care if it's a boy or a girl, but I seriously don't care. If it's a girl...oh man if you think you're spoiled...she's going to be awful and I'm going to love every second of it" Daryl whispered

Willow giggled, she did not doubt what he said in the least. He was terrible with her and wanting to do and pamper her with everything, she couldn't imagine how much worse he would be with his own little girl.

"And a boy...man...it will be so much fun to teach him to hunt and fish and ride... to do all the father and son stuff my dad never did with me. I can tell you this much, Santa will need a separate sleigh just for our kid's stuff" he smiled.

Willow smiled softly

"You have no idea how happy it makes me to hear you talk like this and to be this happy about it" she whispered

Daryl looked up at her

"That reminds me, I have a bone to pick with you," he said kissing her belly and then moved to her lips "I don't understand how you would have thought I would be upset or mad about this"
Daryl said laying on top of her staring into her eyes

"I don't know...I mean I didn't really think you would be mad, I guess I thought maybe you would be kind of more nervous and unsure. Things were just so perfect with us and I knew this would change everything. I know you had mentioned kids before but it was always in a future sense of the word and I didn't know if you were ready" she said quietly

Daryl stared at her for a moment

"It would appear I'm ready" he whispered as he kissed her tenderly.

Willow slid her legs open and pulled his hips closer to her as she deepened their kiss by slipping her tongue into his mouth. Watching him pull back and look at her

"You sure?" He whispered

Willow stared at him.

"Daryl...I'm sorry but this is non-negotiable. My hormones are going haywire and just the smell of you sends me over the edge" she said seriously

Daryl chuckled

"My smell?" He asked raising an eyebrow

"I can't explain it, it's crazy. Your skin, it smells like a spring rain mixed with a summer breeze in a pine forest...and oranges...don't ask me why oranges...maybe it's citrusy or something but it does and its all my favorite smells wrapped into one and it drives me to distraction. I actually feel kind of bad for you because until this lets up a little, you must be at my disposal" she grinned

"You mean like this?" He whispered moving his hips slowly, pressing his hardening manhood into her.

"Yesss" she moaned "and there's one more gift you need to unwrap" she smiled.

Daryl raised an eyebrow and moved back down to her waist and began pulling her PJ pants off

"Mmmm look at those" he grinned looking at her lacy red Christmas panties with green bows "I believe I must have been pretty good to get something like this." He said kissing the top of the panties.

Willow watched in anticipation as he pulled the green ribbons at the sides that held the red lace together. Feeling the lace material slip off her skin, Daryl whispered

"Look at that, it's my most favorite thing in the world... you shouldn't have"

Willow giggled hearing his comment but her giggles quickly turned into a gasp as she felt his sultry mouth on her skin as he began licking his way to the heat between her legs.

"Man I love how you taste" he whispered as he slid his tongue inside her.

Willow moaned softly as her desire began to burn hot, savoring the intense sensations that his incredible tongue was creating. Feeling her pleasure begin to heighten she called to him

"Daryl" she whispered "I need you"

Kissing his way back up her body, he spread her legs wider and filled her with his throbbing shaft. Feeling him pump into her slow and deep, she ran her hands over his broad muscular back and thick shoulders loving every inch of him. Willow gasped again as he picked her up and pushed her against the headboard driving harder into her she felt every inch of her body explode with pleasure as she held on to him quivering until his seed was buried deep inside her. Easing her back down on the pillow, Daryl's kissed her slowly wrapping her in his arms.

"Mmmmmm" rumbled in his chest "I don't think I'll ever get enough of you, even when I'm 80" he whispered

Willow softly laughed as she pictured him chasing her around as an old couple.
Turning on his side so he could face her, he rested his hand on her hip and asked softly

"So when do you think it was we got pregnant?"

Willow smiled at his use of "we"

"I was thinking about it and if I'm doing the math correctly then it was right about when we moved in here...maybe I got pregnant on the bouncy castle" she giggled

Daryl laughed softly

"That would help explain the hole I put in that mattress, don't know my own strength" he grinned
Willow laughed loudly but covered her mouth to quiet it. Grinning Daryl pulled her closer and began kissing her again.

"I love you" he whispered "Always and forever"

"I love you too...Forever and Always" she smiled

Feeling his arms pull her closer, she closed her eyes and put her head on his chest waiting to hear his deep sleeping breaths. Hearing him asleep, she slipped out of the bed throwing Daryl's T-shirt on and some panties, she went quietly down the steps to fill Daryl's and Merle's stockings. They weren't huge gifts or anything but she smiled stuffing them with things like their riding gloves and new Zippo lighters with a can of fuel, deck of cards, a set of poker chips and some food like jerky and fresh fruit and nuts. Hanging them back on the hooks stuffed full, she smiled again and headed back up the stairs. Crawling back into the bed quietly she scooted closer to him slowly so not to wake him but squealed as he grabbed her quickly and pulled her to him.

"You jackass, you were faking being asleep" she giggled

Willow smiled hearing his deep laugh rumble in his chest

"How am I supposed to sleep knowing Santa is coming?" He whispered "or in this case, already came and will probably come again in a little bit," he said suggestively sliding his hand over her rear.

"You're awful" she laughed softly

"And you have too many clothes on" he whispered pulling the shirt over her head and slipping off her panties pulling her against his warm body.

Snuggling closer to him, she wrapped her arm around his waist and drifted off into a happy sleep.

Willow sat at the kitchen island scarfing down ham and eggs Merle had made for breakfast. She was feeling wonderful, especially since today was the first morning she hadn't gotten sick in weeks. It was a good thing too because today they had a million things to do to get ready for the wedding. The day before had been Christmas day and they had spent it curled up on the couch watching old movies on DVD on the DVD player and TV Merle had gotten them for Christmas. Willow smiled thinking about how Daryl and Merle had looked like two little kids going through their stockings. She was so happy she thought to do it. Watching Daryl come through the door from outside, she couldn't help looking him up and down. He looked fantastic in the new black leather jacket she got him and his new black jeans.

"You're going to get into trouble looking at me like that" he whispered smiling leaning down for a kiss

"I can't help it, you look seriously yummy in your new stuff" she grinned

Daryl shook his head and kissed her again.

"You about ready? Truck is almost warm" he asked

"Yep, just let me put this away," she said putting her plate in the dishwasher

"Merle!" Daryl yelled up the stairs "You ready?"

"Comin''" Merle yelled back

Willow grinned as Merle came down the steps looking ruggedly handsome in his new jacket.

Daryl raised an eyebrow

"What are you grinning at" he smirked

"You both look good and it's because of me" she winked

"Get in the truck brat" he laughed and swatted her on the behind

Daryl, Willow and Merle climbed in the truck and drove to Boondocks together. Daryl pulled the truck up and slid out, helping Willow climb down.

"Tell your grandpa we'll be back, Merle and I are going to go pick up some tables and chairs for the reception." He said softly

"OK," she smiled and kissed him softly until she felt his arms tighten around her as their kiss deepened.

"I can't wait to marry you" he whispered

"Me too" Willow whispered with tears in her eyes from his sweetness

"We'll be back," he said with another quick kiss and climbed back in the truck giving her a wink and a small smile.

My goodness, she thought, he is so damn sexy. Laughing at herself for being either that in love or one big walking hormone...or both, she walked into the bar and was surprised seeing her grandpa standing there with Harlin and a woman she had never seen before.

"There's my girl" her grandpa smiled, "where's that soon to be husband of yours?" He asked

Willow kissed him on the cheek and smiled

"He and Merle went to go pick up the table and chairs for the reception" she answered still looking at the woman curiously

"Ah, good. I was just going to ask him to do that. Always a step ahead that one" he winked.

"Willow, I'd like you to meet Billie, she's Harlin's cousin. I'm training her to help with the bar. With you and Daryl getting married and then me and Annie, I figured we could use some extra help. She's going to work the bar for the reception." Joe said

Willow smiled at the woman. She was older than her, but she was still very pretty.

"Congratulations Willow" she smiled "I'm happy to help for your wedding and if there's anything you need or want, you just let me know," she said softly

Willow smiled back

"Thank you, Billie, I'm glad you're here. We think of Harlin as family, and I hope to think of you that way as well" Willow said shaking her hand.

Willow climbed onto a stool and watched her grandpa go over bar procedures with Billie until somebody else walked through the front door.

"Ah Charlie," Joe said. "Here, let me show you where to put the champagne bottles...excuse me, ladies," Joe said kissing Willow on top of the head.

Willow and Billie chatted for awhile about the wedding while Harlin and Joe helped bring in the cases of champagne. Hearing the door open, she smiled softly seeing Daryl walk towards her.

"Hey baby," he smiled and kissed her softly "Hey baby," he said again kissing her stomach as she laughed softly. "Where's your grandpa? He asked giving her another kiss.

"In the back putting some bottles away. Sweetheart, this is Billie, she's going to be helping out at the bar" Willow said.

Daryl smiled sweetly at her

"Hey Billie, nice to meet you" he nodded "I'll be back, I need to find out where he wants us to put the tables and chairs," he said giving her another kiss, and then another, and then another until she was giggling.

Willow watched him walk away and then smiled at Billie.

"I hope you don't mind me saying, but wow is he a handsome man" Billie grinned.

Willow smiled softly

"Yes...yes he is. He's beautiful inside and out" she smiled

"And did I understand correctly when he kissed your belly and said hi baby that would mean you're expecting?" Billie asked

Willow blushed and nodded.

"We just found out for Christmas" she beamed

"Good lord that's adorable" Billie laughed "he wouldn't have an older brother by any chance would he?" She teased

A light bulb went on in Willow's head and a grin spread across her face.

"Actually, he does. An available older brother" Willow winked

Hearing the door open, she grinned watching Merle walk in. Speak of the devil...

"Hey pretty lady, where's that brother of mine?" Merle asked Willow

"He's in the back asking grandpa where to put the tables. Merle, this is Billie, she's going to be helping with the bar." Willow said softly.

She watched as Merle looked at Billie and had to stifle a giggle seeing how Merle looked like he had been struck with a thunderbolt.

"Hi Merle" Billie smiled sweetly "good to meet you"

Merle nodded and blushed

"Nice to meet you too," he said quietly "I better go find my brother, take care ladies," he said softly and headed towards the back.

"So that's the brother huh?" Billie whispered

Willow smiled and nodded

"He's a pretty handsome guy too, I wouldn't mind getting to know him better" she winked

Willow laughed softly

"I think that can be arranged" Willow grinned

"What arranged?" Daryl said coming up behind her

"Um...nothing, just girl talk" she smiled

Daryl smirked

"And I've seen that look a hundred times before, you're up to something," he said leaning in front of her kissing her deeply.

Willow couldn't help but grin

"I'm ...I'm not, not really" she giggled

Daryl shook his head

"Watch out for her Billie, she is trouble with a capital T" he grinned kissing her slowly "Alright I gotta grab the tables, be good, brat" he winked while Willow rolled her eyes laughing.
"You two are so unbelievably cute together" Billie smiled "Gives me hope maybe I'll find love someday too"

"You never know" Willow smiled "Merle's a good guy...he's had a hard life and he still battles his demons but I think he'd be worth it in the long haul. When I met Daryl he was anti-boyfriend, anti-relationship, anti-love, but here we are. I don't think their aversion to love is from a bad place, I think it was more from never feeling it before and not sure knowing what to do with it once they found it."

Billie nodded

"I can understand that..thank you Willow" Billie smiled softly

"Willow, sweetheart, can you come with me please?" Joe called to her

"Sure pops," she said as she slid off the stool "see you later Billie" she smiled

Willow walked towards the back but watched as her grandfather walked out the back door instead. Following him into the trailer, she looked at him curiously as he stood in the middle of the living room smiling gently at her.

"What's up pops?" Willow asked

"Well sweetheart, I know you never really got a chance to shop for a wedding dress and please don't understand, the little white dress you found at Peach tree would do just fine, but I wanted to surprise you with something. I still had your grandma's wedding dress and although it was a bit old fashioned, it was still in perfect shape so I had it sent away to have it modernized. Annie could have probably done it too but with Christmas and planning her own wedding, I didn't want to put that stress on her. Anyway, here it is...Annie, will you bring it out?"

Willow stood watching Annie walk out of her old room and was stunned seeing the dress. It was the most beautiful dress she had ever seen. The strapless dress was adorned with delicate lace and rhinestones that covered the silky material in a form-fitting shape with a slight flair at the bottom. Willow gasped softly as Annie turned the dress showing her the back that was sheer with a trail of small buttons leading from the top of the dress to the waist.

"Oh grandpa, it's so beautiful" Willow whispered.

"You want to try it on?" he asked softly "Annie needs to see how it fits. If there are any alterations that need to be made, she can make them for you"

Willow nodded and started to follow Annie into the bedroom but stopped and ran and hugged her grandpa tightly.

"Now now, girl, you're going to make me cry. Don't come out in that dress, I want to wait to see you at the wedding and I'm sure Daryl will be looking for you and I don't want him to see you either" Joe smiled

Willow nodded still teary eyed and followed Annie into the bedroom.

"Oh Willow honey...you are just a vision" Annie breathed looking at her in the dress.

Willow stared into the mirror and couldn't believe that was her in the reflection. She sure didn't look like the boy version of herself when she first came to live here. The dress fit her perfectly and she was thrilled nothing had to be changed. She had been excited about the wedding before, but now she could hardly wait. She had wanted a beautiful wedding gown but there really hadn't been much time and she was OK with just wearing a pretty dress, after all, it wasn't about the dress but who she was marrying....but now...she couldn't wait for him to see her in it.

Slipping off the dress, handing it to Annie to hang up, she dressed quickly and hugged her, thanking her for her help. Walking back into the living room Willow was all smiles as she hugged her grandpa again.

"It's perfect" she grinned "Annie won't need to change a thing! How on earth did you get a dress to fit me so well?" she asked

"It was your grandma's dress honey, you look just like her. I had a feeling it would fit you perfect and I'm so glad it does. I can't wait to see you in it" he smiled.

Willow and Joe turned looking at Daryl coming through the door.

"Told you" Joe laughed

Willow grinned looking at him

"Told her what?" Daryl looked at her confused

"Nothing sweetheart, wedding stuff" she smiled and kissed him.

Daryl shook his head.

"I think all of you are going a little nutty" he smirked

"Oh Daryl" Annie called coming out of the bedroom. "I got yours and Merle's white shirts and black pants ready and pressed but I need both of your leather vests. I want to clean and condition them. I know Willow said she wanted you to wear them for the wedding but we're not having them look like you just rode 500 miles in them" she winked

Daryl smiled and nodded.

"I'll bring them to you later today. Joe, all the tables, and chairs are in the bar, near the back. What else you need?" Daryl asked

"I think that's about it Daryl, just have to work on cleaning and decorating for the rest of the week and we should be good to go," Joe smiled

"OK, then I'm going to get her home for her nap" Daryl said holding out his hand to Willow

Willow raised an eyebrow

"Nap? But I'm not tired" she asked confused

Daryl looked at her dead serious

"Well, I was reading this pregnancy book and it says that expecting mothers should take a nap every day and..."

Willow interrupted

"Daryl....you are not reading those...come on" Willow groaned

"I did, and you're doing it, no arguments or I'll pick you up and throw you over my shoulder and carry you," he said pointedly

Willow sighed and looked at her grandpa

"Don't look at me," he said putting his hands up "I've never read it...besides, it's probably not a bad idea. With the excitement of everything you should probably get as much rest as you can," Joe said softly.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side" Willow grumped "Fine. I'll go, but I'm not going to be happy about it" Willow said pouting

Daryl shook his head and laughed softly

"You are such a spoiled brat. C'mon....see you later Joe" Daryl said grabbing her hand.

Daryl and Willow walked through the bar and Willow grinned seeing Merle sitting at the bar, talking to Billie.

"Hey Merle, we're going to get going, Willow needs some rest. You coming with us?" Daryl asked

Merle looked at them and glanced at Billie

"Na, you two go ahead, I'm going to stick around here for a bit and see what else Joe needs," Merle said softly

"I just asked him-"

Willow cut Daryl off with a kiss

"Come on sweetheart, I think I am tired. See you later Merle...and Billie" she smiled giving her a wink.

Daryl looked at her in confusion. What the hell was that all about?

Hopping in the truck, she watched as Daryl slid in next to her and gave her a look.

"What just happened there?" he asked

"You really are clueless sometimes" she giggled "did you not see how he was talking to Billie?
He doesn't want to stay there to help, he wants to stay there to get to know her better"
Daryl sat and stared out the window.

"Huh...I guess I am clueless" he laughed "You're still taking a nap, though" he grinned backing out the truck.

"I will on one condition" she smiled

Daryl looked at her waiting for whatever bargaining chip she was trying to play

"You tire me out first" she winked

Daryl laughed softly

"Now that can be arranged," he said kissing her softly

The rest of the week flew by quickly for Daryl and Willow as everyone was busy getting everything ready, well everyone except Willow. Daryl would let her do next to nothing, making sure everyone knew she couldn't climb ladders or lift boxes or do whatever he decided. This pregnancy book is turning him into a monster she grumbled but knew he was only doing it out of love and to make sure she and the baby were both healthy and happy.

Sitting at the bar with Billie, slicing lemons the evening before the wedding, Daryl came walking through and kissed her soundly.

"You ready?" he smiled

Willow looked at him a little nervous...he was not going to like this.

"No...I'm not going home with you Daryl" she said softly

Daryl looked at her

"What do you mean? Did I do something wrong?" he said a little panicked

Willow shook her head

"No sweetheart...it's the night before the wedding though and you're not supposed to see me again until I'm walking down the aisle. It's bad luck if you do..." she said softly

Daryl groaned

"Come on Willow...we've already had our bad and it's done and over with. You know I can't sleep if you're not next to me." He whined

"I'm sorry honey but all of my stuff is here and I'm staying here. You go home with Merle and have a boys night or something, but no strippers" she teased

Daryl rolled his eyes.

"Are you kidding me? I can barely handle you let alone another woman. I really don't like this...you know that. But OK, I'm not arguing...take notes for the next time you don't want to do something that I ask you to do" he grinned

It was Willow's turn to roll her eyes as Billie stood there and laughed at them.

"Well then, come give me a kiss goodnight...out here...he said walking towards the door" with a smile

"You are not getting me anywhere near that truck. We'll go this way" she said and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the back.

Shutting the back room door, Daryl kissed her intensely pushing her up against the wall.

"Wait, Daryl," she said softly

"What?" he whispered hoarsely "Oh hey, there's our cot" he grinned walking her towards it.

"Wait baby...no, we can't" she said quietly

"How come?" Daryl asked obviously disappointed

"Because I want to wait until our wedding night. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense seeing how I'm pregnant and we're living together, but I want to do this right and tradition says that we don't and we don't see each other until the wedding." She said looking up at him

Daryl sighed.

"You're going to be the death of me." He complained "OK OK fine. But this night is going to suck big time and you are in some serious trouble tomorrow night. We haven't gone one night since we moved in together except for the night when you were sick but I still got to sleep next to you." Daryl grumbled

"You know...you're kind of sexy when you pout" she laughed softly

"Stop it...or so help me, on the cot you will go." He threatened, softly grabbing her shoulders.

Willow grinned looking at him as he grabbed her tightly and pressed his body into her, kissing her breathless. Sliding his hands over her rear and lifting her more into him, she completely rethought the whole not being together before the wedding. Moaning softly she pulled him closer to her, sliding her hand under his shirt, until he grabbed them and stopped her, taking a step back.

"Good night brat," he said quietly and walked to the door

"Daryl!" Willow whispered fiercely hearing him chuckle walking out the door.

"Daryl!" she said louder standing at the doorway.

Daryl turned and looked at her with a small smile.

"What? Sorry...I just wanted you to feel just as uncomfortable as me tonight. Love you" he winked and began walking.

"Daryl, that was mean!" Willow complained watching him walk through the bar.

"I'm not turning around to watch you pout. I'll see you tomorrow....I'll be the one waiting for you at the altar, and don't bother stomping that foot because that's not going to work either. I love you" he laughed and walked out the door.

Billie looked at her and slightly grinned as Willow shook her head.

"He's lucky I don't end up shooting him tomorrow instead of marrying him" she complained and turned, heading for the trailer.

Willow stared at her reflection in the mirror and felt the butterflies swarm in her belly. She was so nervous! She really wasn't nervous about marrying Daryl, it was her dream...it was just everything....walking in front of people and everyone watching her...just everything about it. She hadn't slept well, unable to turn off her brain thinking about everything today, plus the fact that she missed him terribly and hated not having his arms around her as she slept.

Annie had done some magic with her makeup and hair, though, you couldn't tell she had only a few hours of sleep as she hid the dark circles under her eyes expertly with makeup. She absolutely loved her hair as it fell in big cascading curls to her waist, pulled up in the front under her veil. Hearing a knock at the door, the butterflies swarmed again.

"Willow? You about ready sweetheart? I think if you don't come out in the next five minutes,

Daryl may try to bust his way in" her grandpa laughed

"I'm ready," Willow said softly as Annie opened the door.

Joe stood there staring at Willow as a tear fell from his eye.

"My God Daryl is a lucky man. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life." Joe whispered hoarsely.

Willow smiled nervously and played with the sapphire necklace Daryl had given her for Christmas

"Does this look OK with it?" I really wanted to wear it with the dress...I have everything,

Something old and new with the dress, something borrowed is Annie's veil and this is blue."

"It looks stunning sweetheart. Let's go...I can't wait for Daryl to see you" he said softly

Willow grabbed her grandpa's arm and held on tightly as he walked her to the back door. Motioning to someone that they were ready, Willow heard everyone quiet down as soft music began to play.

"You ready?" Joe asked her

Willow nodded and smiled trying not to cry.

Walking slowly with her grandpa, her heart pounded so hard in her chest, she thought she would faint. Coming around the corner she finally caught sight of Daryl and her entire being calmed at once. Looking at his face, she smiled and knew everything would be fine.
She walked staring at him and barely caught sight of Merle mouthing the word "wow" Daryl on the other hand, looked stunned. She had never seen this look on his face before, it was like he was looking at her for the first time. Standing in front of him, her grandpa kissed her cheek and placed her hand on Daryl's arm who continually just stared at her. Looking at the minister who began speaking, she looked at Daryl again who still just stared

"Daryl" she whispered

"Hmm?" he whispered back

She couldn't help but grin as she nodded towards the minister

"Oh...right" Daryl said facing the minister as soft laughter rippled through the crowd.

Listening to the minister speak, she couldn't help stealing glances at him as he kept looking over at her. As they began the promises to love one another, Willow couldn't help the tears that fell softly down her cheeks as his husky voice told her and everyone how he would love and cherish her until the day he died. Watching his fingers shake as he placed the ring on her finger, she looked deep into his eyes and her heart ached seeing all the love there. Placing his ring on his finger she spoke the words softly and had to really fight the urge to grab him and kiss him after. Finally hearing the words

"You may kiss the bride"

Feeling Daryl's soft lips on hers, she sighed happily realizing they had done it, they were married. Feeling his kiss deepen, she slid her arms around him and laughed softly as catcalls started coming from the crowd. Finally coming up for air, everyone cheered as they both were nothing but all smiles.

Daryl held her hand tightly while everyone came to congratulate them with hugs and handshakes. Watching people begin to move in tables and rearrange everything for dinner, Daryl excused them and walked her to the back room.

Looking at him she watched as he wrapped his arms around her and held her tightly for a quite some time.

"You OK?" she whispered

Daryl nodded and she was stunned to see tears on his cheeks

"Sweetheart?" she asked worriedly

Daryl shook his head

"It's not from anything bad...I just. I mean I knew that I loved you, there was never any doubt but seeing you today...it just took it to another level. Honestly, I've never seen anything more beautiful than you. I mean my knees actually went weak and I thought Merle was going to have keep me from keeling over."

Willow smiled and wrapped her arms around him holding him tight. Lifting her chin he kissed her again slowly burying his hands in her hair.

"I love you so much Willow" he whispered

"Not half as much as I love you Daryl" she smiled at him

"Want to bet?" he grinned sliding his hand over her rump

Hearing a knock at the door he groaned and opened it.

"Just making sure you two haven't started the honeymoon already" Merle teased "Everyone is waiting on you two, they're ready to serve the food"

Daryl grinned and grabbed her hand as they walked out to applause again Willow couldn't help but blush. She hoped they really didn't think they were already doing that back there. Enjoying dinner and then the cake, she and Daryl were both nice to each other at first with the cake but then ended up wearing more than they had eaten. Having the first dance of the night, Daryl held her close as "Cross my heart" played on the jukebox as everyone watched them dance.

Completely lost in the moment nobody had realized a stranger had walked through the front door, standing there watching everything going on. Once the song slowly faded a voice boomed through the room.

"What the hell is this? Boondocks a country club now?" said the obnoxious man.

Willow looked at Daryl who looked like he had seen a ghost. Watching him stare at the man she could feel her heart begin to race.

"Sweetheart?" she said softly as touching his face and guiding it back to her "What's wrong?"

Watching one thousand emotions cross his face he finally said

"That's my dad."

Well hell.

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