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You can do this! You can do this. You this? You...can't do this, oh god-

Keith stood in the mirror, his smile slowly dying as he stood in the mirror. Shaking the negative thoughts away from his head, he splashed his face with some cold water.

"Calm down, you dunce."

He scolded the mirror, pointing at reflection. He hadn't realized how ridiculous he looked until he started chuckling at himself. Straightening his posture, Keith put his hair in a ponytail, looking at the mirror.

"You...You can do this."

He'd mumbled quietly, soon hearing his alarm blare in his room. He shouted a swear, running out of the bathroom. He was, of course, late. He grabbed his script, slipping on his shoes. Putting on his beige trenchcoat accompanied with his red scarf, he sprinted outside to the subway.

Only late-fall and he'd already wanted summer to come back. The cold, crisp morning air, tickled Keith's nose as he rubbed his hands together to hold warmth. He'd always gotten cold easily, to the point he wouldn't mind wearing a sweater in July. Some had different theories as to why, saying he needed iron pills, or he had ice powers. His favorite was since he was always cold, he had a cold heart.

It never failed to make him laugh. The thought made him sound tall, brooding, and mysterious.

Soon it was Keith's turn to get on the train. He climbed on, happy he was able to get a seat rather than needing to stand. He was already so nervous about the audition, he feared his knees would start buckling. Slipping his ear buds into his ears, he went over his script once more, mouthing the lines.

His hands were either shaking from apprehension about the audition or the draft on the train. Either way, Keith sat still, trying to calm his nerves.

I'm actually doing this.

Keith thought, letting out a deep breath. Today, he would either be haunted with for the rest of his time alive, or it could be the best day of his life. Only fate could make its decision.


The place was fucking huge.

Just looking at the building made him sick to his stomach. He was thinking about leaving when he'd realized he'd walked here and the subway was long gone. The busy streets of New York were crowded as usual but here Keith stood, in the middle of the walkway, gaping at the size of a structure.

"Move it, country boy!"

Keith was shoved, nearly falling on his face. He shouted an apology, laughing nervously.

"City folk sure are nice..."

He sighed, brushing himself off. He finally ran into the building, mentally preparing himself for the worse.


"My six-year-old daughter is a better actress. Next!"

Man, this guy's harsh...

Keith hadn't met the person holding the auditions but he knew he was gonna have a tough time impressing him. One guy ran away crying. Poor guy didn't look like he was acting with those alligator tears.

"Excuse me? I said, next person for the role of Alayha!"

Keith flinched, realizing it'd been him in the front of the line. He lost track of time, having no idea he had been standing there for about an hour it seemed. He nearly tripped as he went into the room. Jesus, it was colder here than outdoors!

Wait, why is he wearing a parka...?

One of the judges sat with a parka, hood over head, and sunglasses on. But inside? Really? It wasn't even that bright.

"Now, tell me about yourself."

Keith took a deep breath, shrugging his jacket off of his shoulders, he'd have to deal with the cold for now. He kept the scarf though, hoping it'd provide some kind of warmth. He hung the jacket on the hook that he supposed was for the auditioners. 

"I'm Keith Kogane. I'm...twenty-three and I've been wanting to be an actor for...basically my entire life." He immediately wished he hadn't added the last part when Mr. Mysterious snickered. Keith sounded desperate, they both knew it. "Wait, no, I mean-"

"Anyways. Kevin. Action." Keith's face blushed slightly in humiliation as the director cut him off. He didn't even bother to try to correct him on the name. Look who's name is Kevin today.

The director read the line before Keith's, almost emotionless, no life, nothing. This guy's the director? Keith figured it'd be good not to question it.

"'But what about what people think? Alayha, you know I can't do this. I'm sorry.'"

Keith took a deep breath, falling into character. He stood up straight, catching the attention of the guy in the coat, he could tell from how he sat up, lifting his shades a bit. Keith mentally noted that, writing a point down for himself.

" can't do this? Is that some fucking joke?" He managed to sound furious, his eyes pinpoint on the one who grinned a bit. It was the judge in the parka who'd started paying more attention.

"Well, you know what, Miwa, you know what I can't do? I can't stand the thought of you being with someone else. The thought of you needing me, but you're too damn worried about what the media thinks that you can't even open your eyes and think for yourself!"

Tears brimmed Keith's eyes as he felt the lump in his throat, urging himself not to cry. His voice broke as he tried to go on, the balled fist from before slowly releasing.

"You know what else..."

"I'm sorry, too. I'm sorry I'm not worthy enough to be fought for."

The scene ended there, Keith bowed slighly, gulping. Though he couldn't see his eyes, he'd known he had intrigued the 'guest'. The director stood up, gasping, it was the most emotion Keith had seen out of him since he'd walked in the room.

"Breathtaking! Beautiful! Bravo!"

Whoa, what?

"I'm sorry, what--"

Stick To The Script - Klance // VoltronWhere stories live. Discover now