Meeting CJ and Cat

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Zayn's POV

I heard a knock on the door so I got up and walked to the door. I opened up the door and saw my mum. "hello Zaynie pie" she said and walked in.

"Hey mum, how are you?" I said and followed her into the lounge.

She sat down and looked at me

"Grandma and Grandad are visiting so I was wondering of you and Zoe would like to come for dinner tomorrow night" she said.

"Sure I'll tell Zoe" I said

"Okay thank you son, I must get going now" she said and stood up

"Okay mum I'll walk you out" I said and walked towards the front door. I opened it for her and as she walked out I kissed her cheek and she gave me a smile

"Bye son, love you, and I'm proud of you, please give Zoe my love" she said and I nodded and waved.


I was running through the forest when I saw a young pup, I noticed she was a young rouge.

I walked up to her and she looked up and gasped, I stood back and said "its okay I will not hurt you"

"H-hi" she said

"Hello, what is your name?" I asked

"I- I don't know" she said " I was never told" she said

"How old are you?" I asked

"4 and a half" she answers and it broke my heart.

"Are you hungry?" I asked

"Ye-yes and thirsty" she said

I grabbed my apple and bottle and gave it to her.

"Thank you" she said and took a bite of her apple

"It's fine, do you have a home?" I said

"No" she said

"How would you like to have a home?" I asked remembering that Troye and Tyler wanted to adopt a pup.

"Yes please. Oh My God that would be amazing" she swirled in a circle and hugged me. I picked her up and put her on my hip.

"First we need to name you. what should you be called?"

"Well my mummy was called Cassandra and my granny was called Jane" but they were killed and I was left here.

"How about Cassandra Jane but CJ for short?" I said

"Perfect" she said with a grin.

"That's good then CJ" I said and she giggled

I mind linked Troye

Hey you Know how you and Tyler want to adopt a little girl?


I found a little girl who has been abandoned and I was wondering I you wanted to adopt her.

Oh My God! Really? of course! is she cute?!

Yes she's adorable

What's her name

Ill let her say that when you meet her, come now, meet at the big tree

Okay on my way!

I left the chat and grabbed CJ's hand.

"Lets meet daddy and daddy.

"Two daddy's". She asked

"Yes they are both boys"

"Yay" she jumped up and down

"How about we go for a ride?" I said

"Yes yes yes"

"Okay stand by that tree" I said

She walked to the tree and stood next to it grinning. I walked behind the tree and talked to my wolf

Do you like her?

Who wouldn't?!

Good okay give her a lift on your back

Okay will do

I changed into wolf form and walked out from behind the tree and she smiled and ran to me. My wolf laid down and let her sit on her back. we got up and ran to the tree with CJ laughing the whole time.

Soon enough Troye and Tyler were there and when they saw CJ there faces lit up and they both hugged her.

15 minutes later

After Troye and Tyler took CJ back I went on running. after about 15 minutes I heard footsteps but I thought they were mine so I kept running.


I was running through the forest when suddenly I felt a thud and I fell over. I looked up and saw the wolf of the hybrid, one of the two hybrids left on this earth. White body with a black stripe down the back.


I looked down and saw a hybrid. one of the two left in this world

I whispered "hybrid" when I heard her say the same

I Helped her up and we looked stunned.

"Your a hybrid" she said.

"What? no, you are" I said

"I am?" she replied

"Yeah your a white wolf with a black stripe" I said

"So are you" she said

"Anyway hi I'm Zoe"

"I'm Cat"

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