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The study rhythm of the heart monitor was driving Bree up the wall. She sat on a chair next to Chase in the hospital bed, her hands shaking and sweat dripping down her face. She wiped it and let go of her brothers cold and seemingly lifeless hand.

She walked out to the waiting room and saw Mr. Davenport and a doctor talking. She wanted to know what about so she quickly turned on her invisibility app and quietly positioned herself behind her father, hearing the conversation clearly.

"-is quite stable at the moment." The doctor said, his eyes running from Mr. Davenport to his clipboard. "But there still is a chance he won't make it. I'm sure you're aware?"

Mr. Davenport nodded and looked the doctor straight on and uttered four words, "Please save my son."

The doctor smiled and nodded, giving Mr. Davenport a short lived hug before walking down the busy hallway, his shoes creating a rythm on the marble floor.

Bree frowned and became visible again, walking up to face Mr. Davenport with a fragile look. "What does he mean Chase might not make it?" She paused, tears beginning to well in her eyes. "Daddy, I'm scared."

Those three words made all the grief and sadness Mr. Davenport felt melt into concern and... well, scaredness. He hugged Bree tightly and Bree cried, digging her face into Mr. Davenport's chest for comfort. Her breathing was uneven and labored as she let go but she cracked a smile when Mr. Davenport wiped the tears from her eyes, giving her a light nod. "Let's go see him again."

Bree nodded and they held hands as they made their way to Chase's room, the tension and sadness building up around them as they walked, the scary truth starting the explode inside Bree's chest as she began having a panic attack two doors away from Chase's room.

She squeezed Mr. Davenport's hand as she backed up into the wall, sliding down it as her breathing became shorter and deeper. Tears pricked her eyes and it sent a flurry of panic rushing through her body as she blocked everything out and panicked.

She opened her eyes and saw doctors with smiles on their faces walking out of Chase's room. Because of that, Bree ignored her panic and stood up, ignoring Mr. Davenport as she walked in, her eyes widening at what she saw.

Chase was awake.

He was awake.

He. Was. Awake.


Bree ran to her brother (accidentaly knocking over a few doctors) and engulfed him in a huge hug, smiling when she heard her brother laugh and hug back. She let go and had tears streaming down her face, of happiness of course.

Chase sat up and wiped her tears, smiling warmly as she held his hand again, now filled with life and warmth. She smiled from ear to ear and felt emptions building up inside her: happiness, joy, angry, content, excitement.

"Is everything okay?" Chase asked, a worried expresion on his face as he stared at Bree, who snapped out of her thoughts and replied.

"Everything is just fine."



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