Jealous!Nepeta x Reader

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((Requested by Kitty--0w0--Face.(like a billion years ago)))
~Reader's POV~
You laughed as Sollux spun you around. He finally set you down, your head spinning as you giggled.

"Hey, (y/n), why don't you come and thiit down," he suggested, smiling as you plopped down on the park bench beside him. You smiled at him and leaned against his shoulder.

"Hey, uhh, (y/n), can II tell you thomethiing? A thecret?" he asked hesitantly. "Sure Sollux," you said brightly, sitting up straight, "but make it quick. Nepeta should be com-"

You let out a muffled squeak of surprise as he suddenly lunged at you, pressing his lips to yours in a passionate kiss.

Before you could even really respond, you heard a small sound, almost like a gasp, near where you were sitting. You pulled away from Sollux just to see Nepeta standing under a tree about 10 feet across from where you were sitting. "Oh, hey, Nepeta, sorry, we just- Nepeta?" you asked, cutting yourself off as you realized the horror in her face as a single tear slid down her cheek.

Instantly, she turned heel and ran back from where she came. "Nepeta!" you cried, reaching for her as if you could stop her. You moved to stand when Sollux abruptly grabbed your wrist. "(Y/n) wait-"

"Let go of me," you snapped, running after your best friend and partial flush crush.


You had been looking around for hours and you still couldn't find her. When that girl didn't want to be found, she wasn't gettin found.

"Nepeta!" you yelled for the billionth time.

You sighed and decided to go check her hive one last time. If she wasn't there then you would go home and explain what happened the next time you saw her....if ever.

~timeskip again~
You slowly entered the small cave she lived in. "Nepeta?" you called hesitantly. "Nep, if you're here, please come out. Come on, I can explain," you tried to reason. Nothing.

You sighed and preceded to search her hive.

Half an hour later still nothing.

You collapsed on the floor as tears started to well up in your eyes. "Please come back, you're one of the only friends I have left," you pleaded to no one as sobs escaped your throat. Your small frame shook with the sobs that racked your body, your cries being the only thing heard in the quiet cave.

You nearly jumped three feet when your meltdown was interrupted by an unexpected hand on your shoulder. You whirled around only to be face to face with your missing feline friend.

"N-nepeta?" you stuttered out as you wiped your eyes dry. "W-where have you been? How long have you been here? Why didn't you answer me when I called for you!?" you asked persistently.

"Sorry," she mumbled, looking down at her lap. "Nepeta?" you asked, concerned.

"It's ok ya know, if mew and Sollux want to be matesprits. Mew don't have to lie to me," she said quietly. "I don't mind, though, admittedly, I never really did ship mew two," she confessed with a small, sad smile.

"Nep, why would I lie to you?" you said, almost hurt. It was then you noticed the tears streaming from her large, green eyes. "Nepeta, what's wrong?" you asked with concern. She stood up and ran further into the cave.

"Nepeta!" you yelled for her, running after the small troll. You stopped running and glanced around, not seeing her anywhere. "Nepeta!!" you called loudly.

You sighed quietly and leaned against a stone wall in defeat.

"Sollux and I aren't matesprits. True, he was confessing red feelings, but that doesn't mean I return them.....In all honesty, I'd rather be matesprits with you than anyone else," you said with a dry laugh.

You stayed against the cold wall for a long moment. "Could you please stop running from me? I just wanna talk to you," you asked finally, seeming to talk to no one. You suddenly heard a quiet scuffle and turned your head in time to see Nepeta once again walking out of the shadows.

You couldn't help a small smile as you moved to walk towards her. She glanced up at you and met your eyes for a brief moment before abruptly running to you and jumping into your arms, her legs quickly wrapping around your hips. "I'm sorry. Purrlease don't be angry with me!" she cried desperately into your shoulder. You smiled sadly and sank to your knees on the floor.

"Why would I be mad at you, Nep?" you asked softly, gently petting her short, ebony hair. She paused before shrugging her small shoulders and wrapping her arms tighter around you.

"Nep, please tell me why you're upset? Is it because of Sollux?" you asked pleadingly, desperately wanting to help your best friend.

She took a long moment to respond.

"Kind of," she mumbled quietly, still clinging to you tightly like a child. "How? Why?" you persisted, now gently rubbing her back. She began trembling even more now, small sobs escaping her throat.

"Shhh, shhh, it's ok, you can tell me," you consoled her quietly. "I...I," she hesitated, "I was scared."

"Of what? Whatever for?" you asked softly. She sniffled and buried her face even deeper in your neck. "Of losing you," she finally answered in a small voice.

"Aw, Nep," you said sympathetically, moving so you could hold her face between your hands. "You know I'll always be your friend," you continued with a sad smile, wiping away her tears with your thumbs. "No, I mean-" she said frustratedly, slapping away your hands. She sighed and lowered her head so her hair covered most of her face.

Finally, she moved, slowly pointing to herself.


Then, she formed a heart with her hands.

Love....or ship?...

Then she pointed back to herself, then you, before dropping her hands into her lap, her head still bowed.

I ship us.

You stared at her for a moment before gently gripping her face between your hands and forcing her to look up at you. You stared into her olive green eyes for a long moment before, to her great surprise, you smiled broadly and kissed her nose.

"You could've just told me," you said with a humorous smile. She smiled and abruptly closed the short distance between you by wrapping her arms around your neck and clashing her lips to yours. You chuckled against her mouth and gladly kissed back, her lips a tad bit salty from her tears.

You pulled away and wiped away the remaining moisture on her cheeks. You smiled. "Flushed for you."

She smiled and booped your nose with hers. "Flushed for mew, too!" she said giddily. You laughed and hugged her tightly, her head once again tucked in your neck.

"Imma kill Sollux though," she added suddenly. You laughed and hugged her tighter, placing a quick kiss on her neck. "I would advise we avoid the murdering of our friends," you said jokingly. She sighed dramatically. "If I must."

You smiled. "Flushed for you," you repeated quietly. Her arms around your neck tightened. "Flushed for you too."

((Ok, in all honesty, I know I say this a lot but I hate this. I shouldn't be publishing it but I am anyway. I hope at least some you liked it. Until next time, love ya angels and demons!!!💚))

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