After sunset

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Chapter 18

“Oh Bon, Bon, Bonnie-“, Kol called sweetly, but with his usual smirk. He stood in front of her house, proud of himself that he found out where she lived. To be honest it was no challenge after this bloody town was so small and trusting that he got the information of the first person he´d met. He knew she was at home, he could hear her heartbeat from inside. An annoyed groan escaped Bonnie´s mouth as she opened the door. “What do you want, Kol?!”, she demanded, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “See your pretty face of course”, Kol answered like it was a matter of fact. He liked the green eyed witch, she had something on her that made him go insane. “You know what people call this? Stalking”, Bonnie stated annoyed, though badly trying to resist a little smile. “Oh that´s a little harsh, isn’t it?”, Kol laughed, “I wonder if I could come inside – have a little chat”, he added smirking. “Are you crazy? No, I´m not gonna invite you in-“, Bonnie replied shocked. He didn´t really think she was going to invite him in, sit down and have a talk?! He must be completely out of his mind. “Then let´s go to the Grill – have some fun”, Kol remained persistent, his smirk never leaving his face. Bonnie was about to roll her eyes on him, slam the door and go back to bed but something stopped her. Somehow she got the wish to go with him, it was just for a drink after all – there wasn´t anything wrong with that, right!? Giving it one last thought, Bonnie sighed heavily before looking back at him. “Alright but only one drink!”, she pointed out and Kol´s grin got wider. “Certainly”, he answered while Bonnie grabbed her purse and closed the door behind her.


Smiling Elena danced around in Elijah´s room. “Lijah, this day is perfect!”, she trilled, grinning at her fiancé. Elijah smiled at his fiancée, he found her adorable. “I don´t like people calling me nicknames”, he frowned but his smile never leaving his face. “Oh but I´m privileged”, Elena giggled, jumping at the bed and kneeing down in front of Elijah. “And how is that?”, he smirked. He couldn´t wait to marry this wonderful woman and spend the rest of their lifetime together. “Because I love you and you love me!”, the brown eyed woman answered grinning before she leant in to kiss her soon to be husband. “I pledge guilty”, Elijah laughed, hugging his fiancé tightly, rolling them over. Smiling he looked down at her, brushing a brown curl out of her face. It always stunned him how incredibly similar Katherine and Elena were on the outside but in the inside they were so different. He once loved Katerina, he wouldn’t deny that. But it was when she was human and kind, when she turned into a vampire all her good properties disappeared. Elena was different – Elijah had always admired her courage, her passionate love, her caring, her honesty, her compassion... He could go on like that all day, there were so many things he loved about her. And when Elena turned into a vampire she didn´t lose those things like Katherine – Elena stayed the way she was just more alive than ever. “What are you thinking about?”, Elena asked, smiling lovingly. “You”, he answered honestly, kissing her deeply.


“Over here, Bonnie!”, Kol yelled, waving foolishly. He was standing at the billiard table, waiting for Bonnie to come back with their drinks. He smiled widely when the beautiful witch rolled her green eyes on him while making her way through the crowd. “You´re acting like a child”, she giggled, handing Kol his glass of scotch. “Well would you go out with a child?”, he mocked, making her laugh. “We´re not going out”, she replied seriously. “I´m sorry, do you see anyone else here? Maybe under the table?”, Kol joked, making Bonnie burst into laughter. He loved the way she laughed, the way she walked, the way she...he just found her perfect and everything she did was stunning to him. “So are you gonna play or just stare at me?”, Bonnie mocked him playfully. “You´ll lose, Bonnie”, he smirked, starting to play. “You wish”, Bonnie smirked back, having fun already.


Quietly she knocked again and again there was no answer. He´s asleep, now go back, Caroline thought, her inner voice panicking slightly. What was she doing? Before she could stop herself she had already turned the doorknob and pushed the door open. The room was dark but the moonlight shone through the huge windows, giving the room a magical look. Caroline´s eyes scanned the beautiful room her heart heavily pounding against her chest. “I´m completely out of my mind”, she whispered to herself, “What am I doing here?”, she breathed, jumping from one foot to the other. Her heart jumped when she saw Klaus lying in his bed, the blanket covering his legs but leaving a good view on his bare chest. Okay, silly girl, you have to go!, her inner voice screamed at her. Caroline tried to move but it was like her feet were glued to the floor. She shut her eyes closed, nervously biting her lips. “Okay, okay- he´s asleep, now turn around and go”, she whispered, slowly turning around. She jumped at the sound of a sleepy groan, her heart painfully beating against her chest. “Caroline?”, Klaus hoarse, sleepy voice sounded in her ears. “Wha- re- you doin- ere?”, he brought out. Caroline turned around to look at him, thankful for the darkness that hid her burning cheeks. “I-I just...I wanted to”, Caroline stammered, not having an explanation for her behaviour either. Yawning Klaus sat up, leaning against the wall behind him. Caroline gasped as even in the dark she could make out his v-line that stretched from the pyjama pants that hung low on his hips. She noticed she was staring at him so she quickly looked at her feet. “Ca-roline?”, he asked again, causing her to look up. She didn´t know why but suddenly her feet started moving towards the bed. “You look good wearin- that neckla-ce of mine”, his husky voice sent goosebumps all over her body. A smile hushed over Caroline´s face when she noticed that she had dreamed of him saying this just 20 minutes ago. She smiled slightly, while awkwardly standing in front of his bed. “Wha-?”, he asked hoarsely, one corner of his lips forming a handsome half-smirk. “I just-“, Caroline started again, sighing heavily at her next failed attempt to find an explanation. “Thank you”, she said finally, sitting down at the edge of his bed. “Fo- what?”, he asked smiling. The way his voice always cracked in the middle of the sentences sent chills through her body. “For everything...for helping me earlier, for the walk, just for everything”, Caroline answered honestly, letting herself fall on the mattress. She didn´t exactly know what she was doing but she had this feeling that it was right to be there. “I think this-“, Klaus stopped in the middle of the sentence, gazing at Caroline. “What is it?”, the blue eyed woman asked smiling. “I think- Is this- Could I-“, Klaus started and stopped over and over again. Bewilderedly Caroline looked up at him, resting her hands on her stomach. Klaus gazed at her as though he was thinking about something. He lay down, looking her right in the eyes, making her heart jump. Suddenly he slid his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him, her back leaning against his chest. Caroline was surprised and confused but she relaxed quickly, leaning closer into his bare chest. Slowly her heartbeat calmed down as she closed her eyes. She felt how Klaus buried his face in her hair, breathing constantly calm and surely closing his eyes also. “Ca-oline, is this a dream?”, his husky voice whispered into her hair. “No- no, this is real”, Caroline whispered smiling, her eyes still closed. “This is good-“, she added under her breath, falling into a dreamless sleep, his arms wrapped around her.

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