Chapter 3

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Micah froze, tensing as the guy stopped on the other side of the bar. The sheer size of him suddenly much more obvious.

Golden eyes locked with his, seconds passing in tense silence before the guy smirked and pointed to something on the menu. Micah nearly went weak at the knees when he spoke, shivering as that deep and rumbling voice washed over him,  making his toes curl. The very air seemed to vibrate, Micah's hair standing on end from the dominance and power of it.

"C-could you repeat that, Sir?"

Micah winced as his voice cracked and those golden eyes lit up in what could only be amusement.

Shit, he was so obvious.

The man moved closer, leaning over the bar and getting all in Micah's space as he spoke again. "The number nine, Kitty."

The nickname, despite being an obvious jab at his shift species, made Micah want to snarl. Never-mind the fact that apparently this person could tell what Micah was from his scent alone. He quickly noted the order down, practically stumbling over himself like an awkward teen. Micah stuttered out something that he hoped sounded life a confirmation of the order before basically running into the kitchen to get away.

Only once he was safely out of sight did he inhale that scent. Despite the guy not touching him, proximity alone had blanketed him in a wave of his scent, lingering faintly on his clothes. He brought the edge of his shirt up and inhaled, taking in the scent of burning wood and something spicy that he couldn't place. He inhaled again, shakily gasping as he felt saliva pool in his mouth, body starting to tingle.

What the hell is going on with me...

"Yo, kid! Keep it in your pants! You need to go outside and cool down for a minute or two? I can smell you from a few feet away."

Micah felt his face heat up as the cook that had spoken laughed. He gave them the order before running out the back door for a few seconds, breathing in the cool air and trying to get his body under control before heading back in.

The fact that he had lost control so easily over a scent alone, like a baby shifter just coming into his instincts, was horribly embarrassing.

He headed back inside, glancing at the cook questioningly as he walked by. The thumbs up he received did little to calm his embarrassment as he grabbed the cleaning supplies he had been using before, putting them back where they went and washing his hands before grabbing the order that he had put in.

You can do this, don't freak out, just give him the food and go. Don't make a fool of yourself.

He walked over to the table that the group was sitting at, eyes looking anywhere but that golden gaze that he could feel on him as he got near.

"Here's your order, Sir."

He placed it down in front of him, pausing his retreat as he heard a snort. He looked over and realized it had come from the intimidating girl from earlier. She looked at him and smirked before reaching across the table and snagging some of the fries off the plate.

"Thanks for being my distraction, cutie."

He glanced down, breath catching. The man's mouth was open slightly, eyes blown, pupils so wide there was just a ring of gold left to see. The sound of his deep inhalations loud as he looked at Micah like he wanted to eat him alive.

Micah's legs suddenly felt like jelly as he scented the obvious arousal coming from the other and realized that, despite the cooks earlier thumbs up, the other shifter could still smell that he had been aroused.

"I-I'll.. Uh... Just be going, sorry."

Micah turned, hair standing on end as a loud growl sounded behind him before he could take two steps. The condiments on the table nearby *rattled* from that alone and Micah wanted nothing more than to disappear as every eye in the room was suddenly looking in their direction.

Micah was pushing his luck, this shifter's instincts were strong, really strong. Micah  knew better than to run, that would end badly for all parties involved. He turned back around slowly, swallowing nervously when he saw the other shifter's eyes were completely black now, internal battle with their instincts obvious.

The girl spoke up again, eyes sharp as they darted between Micah and the other shifter. "Kael, come on dude. Let the cutie go. It's okay, he's just doing his job."

Micah's eyes widened as he finally noticed the long, curved claws gouging deep marks into the table.

"Jeez, I've never seen you lose control like this. Come on, lets get some fresh air."

The girl got up, pulling Kael to his feet and dragging him past Micah quickly. Once they exited the building an invisible blanket of tension was lifted and he saw several of the other customers sighing in relief. Ruth rushed up, grabbing him and pulling him with her to the kitchen. She closed the door behind her and turned to him with a very worried expression. "Are you okay Micah? Did he hurt you?"

He shook his head, looking down at the floor. "No but I think I screwed up.... Sorry."
Ruth sighed and patted his down-turned head.

"No, no, no. I wasn't your fault, Kael is more instinct driven than most shifters would be because of what he is and stuff like that has happened before. However, not for... Such a reason. He seemed interested in you."

Micah flushed at the suggestive tone she used as she said interested. Gods, he was never going to live this down. His first day and he was already attracting crazy.

Just what he needed.

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