Chapter 5

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The guy stopped right in front of him, practically oozing with his attempt at dominance posturing. Micah stared at his chin, jaw clenched. He wasn't going to stare the guy down and risk him going batshit crazy on him, or worse.

The guy's scent washed over him and he couldn't stop his nose from wrinkling and the scowl taking over his face. Of course it had to be a wolf shifter. They were practically the bane of his existence. Most feline shifters a wolf or dog shifters didn't mix, because in a lot of cases they naturally liked to pick on felines. Unless you were some big bad like a lion, then nobody dared to fuck with you. Or if somehow you ended up mated to one of the douchebags, then they considered you one of their own.

Micah shuddered at the thought. One of his friends from his old home area was mated to one and he didn't get how the guy could stand him. His friend wasn't even a feline shifter but still, the wolf was an absolute pain in the ass.

Statistically speaking, wolf and dog shifters were one of the most widespread kind of shifter. They outnumbered almost all other shifters and often formed 'packs'.

Not unlike a werewolf, Micah thought with a snort. If only they had the typical weaknesses like the werewolves of legend had. He'd love to shove some silver down a wolf shifter's throat and actually get results.

The guy was saying something to him but Micah was too busy mentally burning holes in his throat with his gaze. Which apparently was pretty obvious because the wolf shifter snarled and leaned closer to him, growling out something rude to Micah about paying attention that had small, rumbling growl of his own instinctively leaving his  throat.

Ah shit. The last thing he needed to do was get in a fight on one of his first days on the job.

At the sound of Micah's growl the other shifter jerked, surprised look crossing his face. He was probably wondering what kind of feline Micah was. Not many of Micah's kind probably liked to come here anymore, they preferred solitude in most cases, and definitely preferred to avoid the large wolf packs that occupied most larger cities.

Micah could put on a show but at the end of the day he wasn't very intimidating. The sounds he could vocalize were one of the only things that had saved his ass on some occasions. Sometime he would get lucky and they would assume he was a larger breed and back off.

Life had a way of screwing him over though. He was just a fucking bobcat.

The wolf leaned even closer, definitely breaching his personal bubble and prompting another low growl from Micah. The other shifter sniffed him more and then smirked.

Apparently the wolf had been around enough feline shifters to know he wasn't a threat upon further examination his scent. Shit.

Cat is out of the bag I guess, pun not intended.

The wolf shifter rounded the bar, causing everyone behind it near Micah to scramble away fearfully. Nobody wanted to get involved in what looked like a soon-to-be fight.

Micah's breath left him in a rush as his back was shoved against the bar and the stupid wolf crowded him even further against the bar, eyes starting to glow in what was obviously excitement. The stupid prick.

"Come on little kitty. What are you going to do?"

Micah snarled at that, his own eyes starting to shift a little in anger.

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