Part 9: 'I don't want Ur number.. but'

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The next day Arya had to go to Coimbatore with his brother Dharshan, for some work. He tried to avoid it, but couldn't. So he had to go there & he was upset thinking that he would not get to speak to her today.

But, he also thought that, however a day off would be good, as he had made Shraddha run out of words the previous day & she would anyhow feel nervous to face him.

So, this made him feel good too. And he went to Coimbatore that day.


Shraddha came to bus stop with a hesitation & a bit of nervousness within her, that he would come today & ask her something.

She was waiting at the bus stop.

Her bus came at the usual time.

She before getting into the bus, turned here & there, checked for him everywhere & got into the bus.
She was wondering "Why didn't he come in the morning??"

The whole day at her college went thinking that.


Here, Arya was traveling with his brother Dharshan to Coimbatore.
He was expecting Shraddha to miss her.
But, he was definitely missing her. Visiting the bus stop daily in the mornings & evenings, has become a habit to him.

Suddenly a thought came in his mind. "What would we do, after leaving to Coimbatore in few days ??!. We are not going to stay here forever ?!!"

This thought, spoiled his happy mood & brought a bit of tension about that thing.

But, he didn't wanted to spoil those sweet moments & he wanted to cherish each & every moment, he spends there.

He then assured himself, "Tomorrow I'll definitely get her number. Only then we'll be in touch, after leaving to Coimbatore. I don't have too many days left to stay here."

He spent the whole day with his brother accompanying him in his works. He tried to return within evening 4pm, to see her. But, he couldn't. So he convinced himself that he'll see her tomorrow.


It was 4pm in the evening.

Shraddha's college was over.

As Shraddha came out of the college campus, she searched around there, to see whether he was there.

But he was not anywhere around there.
She then got into the bus & left home.


Next day. Morning 8.30 am.

Shraddha was standing in the bus stop as usual.

Arya thought, not to go and speak to her at the bus stop daily, as he thought, if someone sees him speaking to her daily, it may create some issues, as Lovedale was just a very small town.
So he waited there.

Shraddha saw him, standing few metres away. She was surprised, why he was just standing there & didn't come & speak to her.

She wondered within herself, "Why didn't he come yesterday? Today also he is not coming to speak? What would have happened?? Shall I go & speak to him?? No.. No.. that won't be good. Let him come. He will come. What if he don't??" All these doubts & questions confused her.

Arya sees her often watching him, with some discomfort in her face.

After few minutes, the usual bus comes.

Shraddha gets near the bus.

Arya too gets closer to the bus, to get in.

Shraddha while stepping into the bus, turned & saw Arya too getting into the bus.

Shraddha gets a bit relieved & a bit nervous too.

The ticket conductor asks for the tickets.
Shraddha gets a ticket.

A voice from behind says, "Take a ticket for me too.. I don't have change."

She was surprised to hear that voice & it was Arya.

She was a bit relieved then, as she got confirmed that nothing is wrong.

She just turns.. smiles.. & asks for another ticket.

Then Arya comes a bit closer to her & asks, "So.. you missed me very badly yesterday. Didn't u??"

Shraddha: "No.. No.. Nothing like that. I just thought, you might have got some work & so you couldn't have come. That's it."

Arya: "Oohhh.. So, you thought about me. And you also tried to figure out the reason, why I didn't come.. hmmm. That's good.."

Shraddha: "Hey.. No.. actually.. I.. .."

A: "It's ok.. cool.. cool. I don't wanna make you embarrass today also & make you blush.."

S: "I don't blush.."

A: "Look.. you are blushing now.."

S: "When.."

A: "Now.."

S: "No.."

A: "Yes.."

S: "No.."

A: "It's ok ok.. you didn't"

S: "Hmmmmmmm"

A: "Ok listen. I wanted to tell you something. I won't stay here for too many days. I would wanna return to my home in few days. And, when I got this thought yesterday.. I.. I.. It made me feel something scary.. Like.. like the world's gonna end. Not that much. But something like that. And I don't want this relation to just end like this. Whatever name this relation might have. I don't want it to go meaningless. I don't think or I am not sure that 'I love you'. But, 'I really Like you'. And I don't need your number.. Because, I already have it. Remember, you gave your details, for that book, that day. So, I have your number. What I need is just a 'yes' from you. A permission. That I could text you or call you. I didn't even save your number. And I won't, till you say yes."

Till all this time Shraddha remains silent watching him speak, looking into his eyes.

Arya then took a piece of paper, wrote his number, and said, "Ok.. you don't need to say yes. Have this. This is my number. I won't call you. But, you call me, when you think it's 'Ok'. Otherwise don't. No compulsions. Ok.. bye.. have a good day at college. See you tomorrow."

He then gets down in a stopping previous to her college stopping.


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