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You're a guy right?

Of course not. I got my testicles through surgery.

Ha. Ha.

Seriously? Even I didn't think that was funny.


Hey, come on, I'll listen to whatever stuff you have going on.

It's okay. Probably just being an overdramatic girl again.

You are on your period.

Could you just back the heck up?

First of all r00d! And second of all, srsly? heck? u an eleven yr old or wat

Oh my god. Your writing is so cringey.

I know.

So what's your problem?

Remember my friend that texted you? I saw him making out with this insufferable slut and I couldn't help but feel jealous.

But should I be? I mean I was the one to break things off and we were already arguing a loy when we were dating.

Are my feelings maybe resurfacing for him? I mean I already like you or is it just protectiveness for him?

Uh... Bye.

Wait! I like you too (!)
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