This story takes place during the cold war.America has ordered his states to fight against Russia.Alaska finds herself in a diffcult time since she was such a young state. Now let's the story of our past beginning.
America is talking to England and Germany about what to do with Russia."Come on, I'm the hero my states should make the weapons,"America said loudly. England sighs softly and smacks America on the head,"look I know it's your war but remember that some of your states are still quite young,"he said. Germany starts to get annoyed,"look you two, we need as help as we can get!!,"he yelled out. America calls out for Alaska,"yes sir,"she asked in a calm voice,"We need some tanks, can you build some?"America asked." I can build some tanks but it'll take me some time,"she said then America laughs,"great now I the Hero can defeat Russia...Hahahahah,"he said loudly.Alaska sighs,*sometimes I wonder why I left France,*she thinks to for a moment. Alaska leaves to go to her work,which wasn't hard on her due her being so strong.She started to build tanks which were modeled after Germany's tanks. She starts to notice someone was spying on her,"Come out or I'll shot,"she said after pulling out her gun. A tall man in a coat comes out of hiding,"hello,"he said in russian.*crap it's Russia,*she thinks then said,"hello?" She notices that Russia is coming closer to her,"you will come with me,da,"Russia said calmly.Alaska starts running from him,but no use Russia hits Alaska on the head with a pipe.Alaska passes out in Russia's arms,then he starts to walk away with Alaska in his arms.
Well that's all for now,but don't worry I will make more when I get some views on this on. Also I do not any of the hetalia characters except of Alaska who is one of my creations.