Chapter six: A day at China's house

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Now back to Alaska,Russia,and China.

China smiles and follows Russia,"we should relax when we get to my home,aru,"he said.Russia keeps dragging Alaska,"okay da,"he said.Alaska tries to free her hand,"let me go,"she said. China looks at Alaska,"please be quiet,aru,"he said. Russia comes to China's house,and waits for China to open his door. China opens his door to his house,and walks in,"I'll prepare a meal for all of us,aru,"he said.Russia smiles and drags Alaska inside with him,"okay da,"he said. Alaska glares at Russia,"you are a pain in the rear,"she said.China goes into the kitchen,and pulls out a wok."Russia can you go outside and get some peaches so I can make something for all of us to a snack later today,aru,"he said. Russia lets go of Alaska,and goes outside to pick some peaches. Alaska yawns a bit and sits down,listening to China humming as he cooks. Russia spots some peach trees,"well let's get picking,da,"he said smiling and picks several peaches. Russia returns to see China and Alaska eating,"you two ate without me,"he said sounding a little upset. "Well you took too long,aru,"China said,"but I did save you some,"he said.Russia smiles and puts the peaches in the fridge,"okay da,"he said.Alaska keeps eating,*its not bad,*she thinks to herself,and watches Russia preparing his plate. Russia starts eating,"its really good da,"he said looking at China.China smiles,"well then, I should cook more often aru,"he said laughing. China gets up and goes outside,"well I'm going to train for a while,aru,"he said.Alaska sighs a bit,"well I might as well clean up,"she said picking up the dishes and goes into the kitchen.Russia follows Alaska,and smiles,"you are really helpful,da,"he said grabbing Alaska and kisses her softly on the lips."I wish you would stay by my side a little longer,"Russia whispered into Alaska's ears.Alaska looks at Russia,shocked and confused,"huh?"she said.

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