Chapter Seven: The war begins

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Alaska looks at Russia in a daze,and backs away,"you are just trying to trick me,"she said. Russia grabs her and hugs her,"its no trick,da,"he said then whispers into her ear,"I want you to join me,da,"he said. Alaska tears up,"I will never join you again,"she said remembering her childhood. She slaps him then he grabs her neck, Russia's eyes turn dark voilet. She tries to free herself from Russia's iron grip but it was no hope. She gasps for air and kicks around hearing Russia laughing evilly as she fights to suvive. She gasps then China comes in,and stops Russia. Alaska gasps for air,and tears falls from her eyes.Russia looks at her darkly,then grabs her again,taking her into her room."So be it, you will stay in your room da,"he said deeply then locks the door leaving Alaska all alone. She sighs and looks down at the ground. China looks at Russia,"what did you do,aru?"he asked but Russia didn't say a thing. Then Russia gets a call from his boss,it was from about a war against America.Russia wasn't shocked but a little worried since Alaska wasn't working with him anymore. China sighs and notices something on the floor, it was a picture of little Alaska and America,"aww,"he said holding it then walks away.Russia  gets off his phone and goes to Alaska's room and unlocks it," I'm now at war with America so you have two options da, work with me or die da,"he said.Alaska sighs,"fine, i'll help but once this war is over you and I are over,"she said. Russia smiles a bit and pets Alaska's head,"good choice,da,"he said then let's Alaska out of the room.China keeps looking at the picture of Alaska and America, he has a soft spot for cute things. Alaska starts drawing designs for the tanks and guns,she didn't want to do it but she had no choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2012 ⏰

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