Chapter Five: It's War

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Now back to America the so called Hero of this story.

America looks through some of the supplies that Alaska made before she was captured."dang,Alaska made more than enough weapons to destory Russia,"he said then Germany looks at America,"We still need Japan's help if he wants to help since China is with Russia,"he said. America smiles,"I'll get Japan to help us since I'm the hero and he listens to me,"he said laughing a bit.Britian sighs a bit,"still America you should have put a tracker on Alaska so we would be able to find out where she is kept,"he said.America gulps a bit,"I knew I forgotten something when Alaska was a kid,"he said then Britian hits America on the head,"you wanker,"he said. France looks at Britian and America,"don't go getting mad Britian, everyone makes mistakes,"he said then looks around Alaska's storage room. Germany sees one of the tanks,"I see that Alaska was using some of my old designs to make tanks,"he said then America smiles a bit,"yeah she wanted to make items faster by going old tech,"he said.Germany keeps looking around and notices two diaries. Germany looks at one diary and notices that it was Alaska's past; he started reading it and notices that Alaska was once part of Russia when she was very little.*Strange so Russia once owned Alaska,*Germany thought to himself. America comes over to Germany,"oh you found Alaska's diary,"he said amazed then Germany coughs a bit,"yeah but it would be best if you didn't read it just yet,"he said calmly. America nods his head,"its best that I don't get distracted by Alaska's past when we are trying to rescue her,"he said. Germany keeps reading the diary and notices that she always talk about wanting to be free from Russia. Britian and France starts agruing,"listen Frog-Face, we need my magic to stop Russia,"he yelled out then France glares at Britian,"look we need Germany and Japan's weapons,no?"he said. Germany didn't listen to Britian's and France's conversation, instead he was deep in Alaska's diary looking for clues to how she was important to Russia. Germany sighs and puts the book down,discourage by what was said in the book. America,France and Britian came at an agreement,"this is war against Russia and China the communist countries,"they said together.

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