Prologue 1

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Prologue - Part 1

This is not a romance. That's not to say there won't be romance (I hope there is, for my sake), but this isn't a romance novel. Got that? I don't want to see this under that genre. It would be like a stab in the chest.

Anyways, this all started in the most ordinary of manners. I was soaking in a pool of lava, listening to the soothing sound of tortured souls and the sadistic laughter of demons, when I felt that sickening feeling in my gut. You know, like a sudden drop? That feeling, like my stomach had been wrenched away from me, like it was somewhere else completely. Ah, a summoning.

I knew this would happen soon enough. It had been too long. Azivenderus had given my name to some perverted summoner, who needed the name of a succubus for 'purely academic reasons'. The summoner must have left the book he had written my name in in a public library or some such, as it felt like every couple of days, I was getting summoned.

To tell you the truth, Azivenderus had been doing me a favor. The only way I could feed was to slip into the Realm of Dreams, a kind of halfway point between our realm and the Realm of Men. It was always boring, and the life force that I drained from those dreams was diluted. Only by being summoned directly into their world could I drink straight from the source. Sometimes I even got lucky, and some poor sap forgot to specify that I couldn't kill him. Oops. Those nights, I feasted.

On this particular day, I took the time to step out and dry the lava off before I let the magic take me. Mortals were often turned off by lava and flames, for some reason. Silly things. I materialized in a poof of lavender-scented smoke, yellow eyes looking softly through my lashes as I peered at the man. He admired me with his eyes, though his lips stayed in a professional frown. He was portly, with a full silver beard rimming his lower face. His attire wasn't quite what you would expect from a magician, a flannel shirt and denim jeans, but I could tell from the dreams that the world of men changed, often. The smoke pushed against the barrier that the magical circle provided, obscuring my view of much of the room.

I leaned forward, my purple HHH breasts swaying near his head, my black nipples hardening visibly in response to his looks. "Do you like what you see, master? I can change anything to suit your needs." I said in a deep, throaty voice, licking my full black lips with a long tongue the color of blood.

"Not necessary. I am studying the Realm of Hell, and I just need you to answer some questions," he said, his voice deep and dull. I didn't come across it often, but I do believe that is was the kind of voice often had by teachers of history. Regardless, I pouted, standing up at my full 6'7" and crossing my arms under my breasts.

"Aw, that's no fun, sweetie. I'm a succubus. I have no interest in a survey." I lashed my long tail in impatience. I was brought here for this? As soon as the five minute minimum was up, I was leaving. He could only hold me here for that long, unless we made an agreement.

"Don't worry, you will be properly... paid." As he said this, the lust that I had come to expect was clearly evident in his eyes. I relaxed.

"That sounds better. What are the terms of your contract?"

"I will ask you a series of questions. You must answer them. After I have finished, I will allow you to leave the circle. You may only leave it on my command. I will offer my payment. You may not kill me, take my life force, or take my soul through this payment. The payment will be a session of sexual intercourse ending before I am no longer capable of my normal duties after a day of rest. Only after this payment is fulfilled may you return to your home realm. Do you accept these terms?"

I sighed. He wasn't even willing to give me a little life force? Oh, well. If I was careful, I could get a greater deal of sexual energy out of him than he planned. "I accept these terms."

"Alright." He sat down on a chair in his smaller circle. There wasn't a chair in my pentagram, of course. How nice. "Describe the geography of Hell."

I kept silent. What demon doesn't have fun messing with their boundaries? After a minute of him watching me rubbing myself all over, he rephrased himself. "What is the geography of Hell?"

"Hot," I immediately answered, running my fingers through my wavy black hair. "So, so hot. It is a volcanic place, with many big, hard mounds that jut out so violently... so big and tall, stone hard..." I sucked on a long finger as I described the mountains and volcanoes in a sultry voice, trying to make everything into an innuendo. He waved me on. "There are also many moist pools of hot lava where we often bask, naked. The feel of the hot liquid sliding down my body," I mimed it out, fingers running from my hair down between my breasts and then between my legs. "It's so... invigorating."

He raised a hand to stop me, shifting uncomfortably as a protrusion from his groin made sitting in pants uncomfortable. "What kind of society does your realm have?"

Deciding to become serious, so as not to waste any of his precious sexual energy, I answered in a business-like tone. "We have several separate types of demons that perform different 'duties'. Our duties are not like human duties. We are created to perform these duties. Most demons' duties are primarily to get souls. Souls are... like a currency, I suppose. Those who get more souls are rewarded by being allowed to eat some of them. Eating souls makes us stronger. Those who are stronger are, naturally, higher in command. Our hierarchy system has thousands of levels. Imps are typically on the lowest levels, demons who have not begun to specialize. Only when they have gained enough souls and become stronger can they specialize. This is hard to do since, just as in this world, they are generally used as servants. They also are nameless, which makes them easier for humans to summon, but for them, it is random, and it may be aeons of servitude before one is summoned. Even then, the chance to get a soul out of it is rare."

"At the top are the archdemons. They have lived since beyond the edge of time, and it is said that some were once angels who had escaped the holy shackles of the Realm of Heaven and founded their own Realm. There is, I suppose, one at the very top, the strongest of devils, the lord of demon lords, but no one knows or cares who it is. The Satan that you humans care about might be that demon, but he might be some loser who fell through the ranks and became forgotten, or even have never existed."

Though I had stopped trying to seduce him, the man's raging boner stayed firm. He had written down the information I had given him, and seemed to be debating something in his mind. At last, his lower head won and he closed his book. "That is enough for now, Iiesindel. I will pay you. You may exit the circle."

Leaving the pentagram with a leap, I pounced at him, changing as I did into his dream woman: a pale brunette with blue eyes and round C-cups. I landed a foot away, eager smile on my face. "Ooh, you have no idea how long I've wanted to do this," I said in an almost girly voice. Aggressively, how he liked it, I attacked the belt of his jeans, fumbling before deciding to rip it all apart like a lion in heat. His member stood rigid, dribbling in appreciation of my acting. But before I could even touch it, he came, all over my face.

"What?" I murmured, looking up, confused as I felt his life force disappear. His eyes were glassy and dead. Yup, deady dead dead. Upon closer inspection, a small needle-sized hole bled on one side of his head, and the other of the pair bled on the other. A needle lay on the floor. However, sniffing for life, I found none nearby.

It then occurred to me that, with him dead, I was still in this realm. Ah, but he said that I couldn't leave until after payment, didn't he? And I had agreed to that contract. I was stranded in this realm.

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