Yandere Levi x Yandere Reader

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I always had a massive crush on the Corporal..Yup you heard me I had a massive crush on my cute Levi.

I loved how he would call me brat and gives me his famous 'Tch' sound.

The way he clicked his tongue, his emotional expression and eyes I love them all of it.

One person I know who has a crush on my Levi is poor poor Petra..Oh how I hate her..Everytime she looks at 'My' Levi she smiles just staring at him made her happy but......

......She wanted more

I knew I had to stop her before she makes a move on him...The plan is simple kill Petra that bitch.

Bitch your going down..

"Hey Y/N! ready to eat lunch I'm starving!" Sasha yelled as she skipped towards me.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts and spoke quickly without hesitation," Yeah!!" I blurted out nervousness taking over.

"O-Oh ok let's go then" She said while she walked happily to the mess hall where everybody else was eating at.

I sat beside Eren who sat beside Armin which a Mikasa was in front of which means Sasha was in front of me leaving a space in between Sasha and Mikasa.

( Do you Guys get it here.. )


( There better right? Idk let's get back in the story )

"So u-umm Y/N do y-you l-l-like someone perhaps" Eren said stuttering I can easily tell he likes me.

"Hmm~Yes I actually do!" I said thinking of Levi my sweet sweet Levi.

Since I Love Levi I heard some familiar boots coming closer each breathe I took.

As always it was my beloved Levi...

Levi's POV

I walked in searching for my dear Y/N.

I've always loved her I hate when horse face flirts with her or any bastards around here.

One man Eren Jaegar has some quiet feeling for her which makes my blood boil everytime I see his face covered in pink and reds shades.

I wanted her to be mine and only mine...Only I can touch, flirt, speak, and even make love to her.

I walked inside with my usual emotional expression which made people look away from my gaze.

As I finally found my sweet Y/N I walked towards their table.

Seeing once again Jaegar with stupid pink and red shades on his stupid ass face. ( Gomene if you guys like Eren Lol! )

"Eren and Armin stable duties...Mikasa and Sasha clean the hallways" I said making them gasp especially Sasha since I think leaving her food would break her heart.

"Tch What are you guys waiting for brats!" I yelled making them jump up and run.

Your POV

As I watched them run to their duties I took a glance at Levi.

"C-Corporal!...Did you need something?" I stuttered.

Levi x Reader One Shots and LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now