Yandere Levi x Cross Dresser Reader

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Levi's POV

Y/N L/N, a 17 year old junior cross dresser. Hmm...how interesting. I sit in my chair as I stare at her as she looked around to take a seat. She was pretty much the last one so most of the seats were taken, but lucky for her I saved her one.

She walked pretty close to where I was so I clicked my tongue loudly so she could hear me and pointed at the seat next to me, which was to my right. She looked at the seat for good 3 seconds then finally bowing to me and saying thank you before taking her seat.

I looked the other way smirking. Nobody could see it since I was at the far left by the window which let sun light pour in like water.

I looked outside and I could see her reflection. How convenient, I do love this window it gives me a good view of her and it's clean of course.

The janitor must've listened to me...always use Windex children..

Suddenly the bell rang signalling the students that class was starting. Everybody was preparing their notebooks, pencils, pens, highlighters, and erasers while I on the other hand have already prepared it.

Unprepared little shits

We all waited in silence until the teacher came. We waited for a good 20 minutes and there was still no sign of our teacher coming in.

Suddenly a tall tan boy with chocolate brown hair with shining emerald-blue ocean eyes stood up and said,"Guys, I don't think the teacher's gonna come soon, who volunteers to go down the office to ask?" He said while looking around him to find many hands rise up to volunteer.

I guess they didn't want to deal with the awkward silence and the other students.

I sighed and rested my head on my hand as I too scanned the room filled with students raising their hands.

I then caught, of course, Y/N raise her hand and I could see that the boy was staring at her. Of course cause one, she wore a boy's uniform instead of a girl's and two she had captivating E/C orbs that shimmered, but her face showed no emotion at all, I like that~

"Ok! How about you the girl with umm..the girl next to Levi! You go" He said as he struggled to find words in the middle of his sentence.

I looked over to my side and saw her smile a little. She stood up and walked down the row of students, taking a pass before she left the room. Everything and everyone was silent once again. I decided to go after her so I made an excuse to go to the bathroom.

I stood up from my chair making a slight noise as it was suddenly pushed back. Some students stared including the 'bright eyes' one, coconut head, angry japanese girl, potato girl, a girl with freckles, and a innocent like blondy.

I 'Tched' and continued to walk to fetch my pass until I heard a voice scream. All the students stiffened up and some were already panicking.

"What the hell was that?!" A boy who looks like a horse said frantically as he stood up and decided to investigate.

Right before he could reach the door I stepped infront of him,"I'll investigate" I said and took a pause and pointed to the hook which carried the two passes,"There's no more passes for the two of us, now sit your tiny ass back to your seat horseface" I spat at him and he made a face of disbelief and disgust.

"Ha! I thought I was the only one who thought Jean looked like a horse! Pffft ahahaha" Then bright eyes decided to butt in and started laughing.

"And you, Bright Eyes, shut up before I shove something in your mouth to shut you up, promise me you don't want that" I said with no emotion showing as the teen stopped laughing, covered his mouth, and blushed furiously at my dirty talk.

Levi x Reader One Shots and LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now