Levi x Abused Reader

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"Have a wonderful day Master!~ Come again!~"I said cheerfully, but deep inside I was dead, broken, and dull.

As I gave the leaving man a final wave my smile began to fade out, but I managed to keep a small smile on my face so that no body like Petra especially Hanji would worry, speaking of Hanji she would defenitely make a huge scene and it would be very humilating.

I gave out a frustrated sigh then decided to clean up after the customers' leftovers.

I was a maid at a small but well known café, 'Hello Master!'

The café wasn't that popular but we had a lot of customers and many regulars who came here every single day ordering the same old piece of shit.

I wonder how they can spend a lot of money, eating the same crap just to see their favorite maid? Sick perverted men.

I slowly made my way to the man's table and looked at it....

Just looking at it......before I heard the bell ring telling everybody there was a new customer coming in, I hurried to the door because my job here was mostly greeting the customers who was mostly males and cleaning up the tables and cleaning the whole place after workimg hours.

As I made my way to the door with a round black tray held by both of my hands I stepped in front of the male and bowed before lifting my body upwards to face the gentleman...or pervert to say,"Hello Master!~ Welcome!~ I'm Y/N let me lead you to your seat!~" I said cheerfully once again as I put on my most sweetest, most fooled for smile.

Instead of fanboying or something he just,"Tch" me.

I was taken back from his response nobody has ever done that to me especially because the regulars and other male customers loved me.

This bastard...

"U-Ugh...Master did I do something w-wrong?~" I asked trying my best to be polite to the bastard as my right eyes slightly twitched.

He looked up to me and his gaze was like burning a hole onto me, but it soften, his eyes wide open as if he saw something unbelievable. I didn't know what was happening at this point anymore.

The man then lifted his left arm slowly, his hands then started to make their way to my right cheek.

My heart was racing as his hand almost made their way to my face.

As it landed I flinched a bit closing my right eye during.

He then retracted his hand away from my face and then he looked down as if he finally saw someone he's been looking for.

"Master...would you l-like to take a s-seat now? We are disturbing others" I said quiet softly as I felt kinda...uncomfortable? I don't really know what's the right word to describe how I'm feeling right now.

The short male only nodded then I led him to an available seat.

The short distance walk was silent and maybe awkward.

As I was about to pull the chair for him he immediately pulled it himself and sat himself down and gave out a small sigh.

I just stayed quiet and took out my little black notepad to write whatever order he wants.

Levi x Reader One Shots and LemonsWhere stories live. Discover now