Here comes the bullies.... And a date?

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"Bye daddy, I love you" i say kissing him on the cheek

"Love you to sweetheart, be good today and don't let those bullies get you down" he says to me slowly sitting down in his chair but then he moans in pain

"Daddy, daddy are you alright?!" I say panicking

"Cynthia darling, I'm fine, now go to school and stop worrying about your sick father" daddy says to me smiling

I decide to do as I am told and I leave getting ready for another bad day of school.

Once I get there, I see 'them' standing by my locker waiting for me

"Well look who it is, it's the ugly freak Cynthia Powell" John says making the others laugh, I move past him to get to my locker but I didn't get very far because George tripped me up making me fall and hit my head in the lockers making them all laugh harder

"Come on lads, leave 'er alone" John says and they all leave except stu, he comes over and helps me up

"Hey Cynthia are ya alright?" Stu asks me

"Yes I'm fine thank you... Uh... For helping me" I say and I notice that the others are all waiting for him by the door

"Hey Cynthia, I was uh... Wonderin if you would... Er... Like to go on a date with me tonight?" Stu says stuttering

"Haha yeah that's a good one, that's the funniest joke I have ever heard" I say laughing and look at stu

"Oh you were serious?" I ask and stop laughing

"Yeah, so uh... What do ya say?"

"Uhh... Sure why not?" I reply,


Once we left little miss posh bitch Cynthia on the ground, we left but stu didn't follow, I stopped at a door waiting for him to come but when I turned around, I saw him helping Cyn up and heard him ask her out... On a date! I got a feeling in my stomach that I have never got before... Jealousy

"Oi stu get away from that and get over 'ere!" I shout

"See ya tonight love, bye!" I hear stu shout over to Cynthia

"Why'd'ya ask that out on a date?" I ask glaring at him

"Because I like 'er, why 'yer not jealous are 'ya?" He asked

"Why would I ever like that thing you call of a girl!" I shout

"John... You gotta admit... She is pretty good lookin' " he says

He's right, she is good lookin' but she always looks so tired


The bell rang for us to go home and everyone laws hurrying out if the class room. Now I has to go home, do school work and then go to the record store then go home to look after my father.

"Hellos daddy" I say once I get in side

"Hello sweetheart how was your day?" He asked me

"Not so good but I have a date tonight, is that okay?" I ask him

"Yes love that will be fine, Jamie is here tonight so he can take care of me" he replies

" thank you daddy I love you" I say and go upstairs and do all my homework for a few hours then go to work at the record store

Later I went on my date with stu, it was good and we talked a lot but I didn't tell him about my dad or mum because he would have told John, Paul, George and Ringo and they would have bullied me even more. But that night, I couldn't stop thinking about what a date with John would be like...

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