Cynthia's diary

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Dear diary,

I walked I to school and went to my locker and took out all of my books and art things and when I turned around I saw John, he was on his own at his locker. I didn't realise I was staring until he looked at me and I blushed. He smiled and I blushed even more so I decided to walk away but when I got into the class room there was no one there

"Hey" I heard someone behind me and I turned round quickly

"Bloody hell you scared the hell out of me!" I shout putting my hand on my chest

"Sorry" John says

"Um hi John, I think I should get to my next class the bell will go in a minute and your friends will come and I don't feel like-" I start saying until John cut me off

"This is your next class Cyn" he said, wait he called me Cyn! He never called me Cyn, he always called me bitch and other horrible, hurtful words

"Oh... Yes it is" I could feel the heat on my face and I knew I was blushing.

"Cyn I'm sorry I-" John says until George, Ringo and Paul come Into the room

"Ey Lennon why ya talkin to that bloody freak for?" Paul says smirking

"She was talkin to me, beggin me to kiss me and I tried to get 'er off me" John says lying through his teeth

"So the freak is desperate i see?" George says smirking

"No I-" I begin to say, got tears sliding down my cheeks

"Don't lie! Admit it you're desperate, everyone knows it and even your friend knows it" Ringo cut me off

In that moment I thought about things that could help me get rid of the pain I feel inside, pills, sharp knifes..... Suicide. I have been bullied for years by John and his friends and I have been thinking about one options for months now.

If only they knew how hard my life actually is...

Love from

Cynthia Powell x

It's not going to be all depressing and sad there are going to be happy parts I promise! :)

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