Chapter 8- Unexpected Visitors

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"Selena!" Conner's voice echoed through my ears.

I rolled over in my bed, opening my mouth and letting out an irritated noise.

The bed bounced as Conner leaped onto the mattress next to me. "S! School time!" He sang into my ear.

I realized that he either didn't know that I had caught him spying on me, or he wasn't showing that he did. One thing was for sure, I was definitely not looking forward to sitting alone with him in silence as we drove to school.

"Come on S! We're gonna be late!" He grabbed onto my feet and started to pull me off the bed.

I opened my eyes, looked around distractedly, trying to look anywhere but into his green eyes. "Oh, uhhh, well I was going to get a ride from Lilly." I lied practically. I couldn't help but notice that as I said it, a slight pang seemed to stab my chest.

I think it might have been the first time I had ever lied to my best friend.

He stopped tugging on my feet, dropping them as if they were hot. "Oh." A flash of confusion followed by hurt crossed his face, but I could tell he was making an effort to hide it. "Ok then. I guess I'll just see you at school then."

He pulled on a forced smile, and I concentrated on staring at his forhead so I didn't have to look him in the eye. I only nodded.

Still smiling, he leaned over to kiss me, before heading out the door. The taste of his lips seemed to linger on me for slightly longer than usual as I watched him walk away, hands slung into his pockets. A minute later, I heard his car pull out of the driveway.

Sighing, I pulled out my cellphone. Punching in the numbers, I tried to ignore the fact that I had lied to Conner, just because I didn't want to ride in a car with him. We have been riding to school together practically every day since kindergarten, and I had broken the streak because I felt something entirely new with Conner, that I had never felt before.

I didn't trust him.

"Hello? " Lilly's voice broke my train of thought.

"Hey Lil, can you give me a ride?"


Stepping out of Lilly's black punch-buggy, I immediately looked around for Conner. Alex and Lilly had giving me curious looks the entire way there, but knew better than to ask if I had a fight with Conner. Still, they seemed to sense that something was off with me.

Linking arms with me on both sides protectively, they guided me like a lost puppy towards the school, ignoring the curious glances and whispers from people wondering why I wasn't with Conner right now.

A rather attractive blond walked by slowly, giving us a very appreciative look over. "Hey babes."

Alex promptly flicked him off.

I was wishing that Conner was here to beat him up, like he always did to perverted boys who sexually harassed us with their eyes.

As if on cue, Conner sprinted into view, stopping in front of me with a huge smile on his face.

"Hey S! It was so weird not riding to school with you, but I'm sure you had a good reason." He gave a pointed look to the people watching nearby, silently telling them to mind their business.

He was still showing no signs of being caught spying on me, and was acting perfectly natural, so I figured that I would just go along with him until we were in a more private place to talk about it.

I smiled as I unlinked my arms with my female friends and wrapped them around his neck. His arms immediately went around my waist, his head coming down to rest in the crook of my neck. The hairs on my arms rose as his nose brushed across my neck, but other than that it was a strictly 'friend hug'. (As to not give watchers a new gossip topic.)

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