Chapter 1- Wake-up Call

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I groaned in complaint, rolling over in my bed and burying my face in my pillow in the hopes of blocking out whatever had disrupted me from my peaceful slumber. 

"Come on Selena! Get you're lazy ass up, we're going to be late!"

I grumbled into my pillow, knowing that he was right but not quite ready to admit it. Today was our first day of the eleventh grade, and as per usual, I was blatantly refusing to get up.

I secretly (or not so secretly, I suppose) dreaded going to school; officially ending the long, hot summer days of doing nothing but hang out with my best friend in the entire universe. I had other friends from school, of course, but none of them were as close to me as Conner was, which was unsurprising really.

"Three. Two-" He started counting down, a warning in his voice.

"I'm not going to willingly attend that hellhole just because you can count backwards from three, Con." I mumbled with voice still muffled by my pillow, just wishing that he would go away and leave me to vegetate for once.


And suddenly, he was on top of me.

I tried to move my head around to look at him, surprised by the sudden movement and pressure against my back, but he weighed too much for me to even try and squirm beneath him.

I felt soft lips touch my neck, and a familiar jolt of aching pleasure shivered through my body. I arched my neck up from my pillow, instinctively giving him better access as he nipped at the sensitive skin above my shoulder.

Well, I was certainly wide awake now.

With a firm grip he flipped me over so that I was looking up at his rather handsome face, which had a suspiciously dark look on it. His dark hair was ruffled in a sexy bed-head manner, and his green eyes were shining as he peered down at me. I tried to reason to myself that the glimmer in his eyes came from the morning sunlight leaking through my curtains, and that any other shine he had to him was sprung purely from my imagination. He leaned in closer, and I could feel the intoxicating warmth of his breath ghost over my lips. I couldn't help but smile, simply longing for the feel of his lips on mine as my eyes fluttered shut.

Needless to say, making out was one of our best friend traditions. Not that I was complaining in the least.

But I guess today was just not my day, because just before his lips met mine, he started tickling me.

I giggled hysterically, unable to stop as his fingers wiggled at my stomach. "Con- Conner- stop- it!!!" I laughed, barely able to breathe, let alone speak properly.

I flailed from under him, laughing until my lungs started to ache. Through teary eyes, I could see him smiling as he tortured me, exploiting my tickling weakness. He let this go on for what seemed like an eternity despite my pleas and begging, and I silently wondered if he was a sadist.

Or not so silently, I guess. When he finally stopped, I could see the smug smile on his face as he shrugged and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"Meanie." I pouted childishly, causing his smile to widen.

"Oh no. The pouty face won't work this time." He leaned in to peck my lips, causing my heart rate to suddenly and quite noticeably spike. He interlocked out fingers and pulled me up to a standing position on the floor, giving me a gentle shove towards my closet.

Grumbling to myself, I picked out a pair of random jeans and a grey shirt from my closet. Not even bothering to leave the room, I took off my pajamas and began to get dressed for school.

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