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I don't just eat salad.

I don't just wear heels.

I don't wear Fake hair extensions,fake nails or fake eyelashes.

I don't wear 3inches of makeup.

I wear make up for me not for anyone else.

I don't post slutty pictures for attention.

I don't make out with boys.

I don't date every boy I see.

I don't date, because I don't talk to boys. Because I want to.

I am crazy and tbh idk.

I order two burgers and large chips and McDonalds because I can.

I don't fake friendships. If I say your my friend I mean it.

I don't mean to push people away it just happens.

I don't like attention.

I prefer to stay in the shadows than in the spotlight.

I don't fake insomnia. I have insomnia.

Hi guys! This was different to my normal posts but I think that it's important.

So I thought of this. Please remember to STATE that I started this.

Post your version in the comments!! I wanna see them.

Can we get this to 10 votes?

I tag:


THINGS THAT ONLY GIRLS WILL Understand Started 19/07/16 #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now