Nerds, Dorks and Jerks

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In life, it's not always easy to know who's a jerk and who's an angel. Can people really change? Things aren't always how they appear to be. Some people grow into the person they are meant to be. Others mature without much change to their integrity or character, or to the way they approach life.

We are all on our own journey. Some people's journeys will cross paths. Some people will stay in our life and others will disappear. Like all of us, Carol is on a journey. She doesn't know where it's taking her but one thing is for sure...

She is a total nerd, and is hopeless with girls.

If only she could be more appealing like her best friend, Jen. Does Jen find life this hard? Why does Carol feel like the only doofus who can't do anything right?

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Author's Note: I originally wrote this with a lot of visuals, including photos and variations in typesetting. I'm trying to re-write with as little of that as possible, as a challenge to myself. Also, Wattpad doesn't allow for much code embedding, linking, file attaches etc, so I'm trying to find ways of interpreting and 'translating' to you readers here, what the images would look like if I could show them to you. As with some of my other stories, names here have been changed where necessary to avoid any Fanfiction/idol references. 

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