Chapter 6

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"James, James..." I called trying to wake him. He slept through touch down and everything.

"Sir, we have landed," the hostess said trying to help.

He stirred, taking a moment to get his bearings before undoing his belt and getting out of the seat. He passed me my bag and took his own. Letting the stinky bloke I was sat next to out of his seat. I had ended up leaning into James to avoid the smell him. James may have ran through the airport but at least he smelt nice and not like a stale cheese.

As we stood in the baggage claim area, James disappeared to use the loo. Stinky walked over to stand by me. Being stuck on a flight with the boring bastard was bad enough now he was hitting on me by the carousel!

"Yeah so err... if you are available, you know... fancy it... how about going out for a drink? I can show you a few nice places to eat..."

I jumped as James hands slid around my waist.

"What places are they then mate? We would love to try out something different from last year, wouldn't we sweetheart," James said.

"Well...erm... erm... oh I think that is my bag," Stinky said rushing off.

"Phewww!" I said laughing but also digging James in the ribs for leaving me with weirdo.

"What bag have you got?" he asked.

"That white one with a flower on the front," I said he hurried over and fetched it. Hauling his own off in the process.

In a taxi to the hotel, I felt nervous and sick to my stomach. James was quiet too.  As we booked into the hotel room it was silence as he looked around. I could only imagine what he must be thinking. Someone had his niece right here a year ago. So near yet so far.

The hotel room was small and only one bed. No sofa. Great we would be sharing. James didn't even notice he was too busy staring out the window looking lost. What was the point in making a big issue?

"Come on let's go down and see where I last saw her," I said knowing he wanted to get straight on it.

It was dark as we walked to the pool. My heart was racing. The guilt cutting me to the bone as I tried not to cry seeing the spot I last saw her and gave her a kiss goodbye and a big squeezy cuddle that made her giggle. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself as James walked forward to the pool. I didn't want to attract attention to ourselves so sat down fiddling with the buckle of my sandle to make out he was waiting on me. As I stared at my freshly painted toe nail I remember her foot being passed up to me for some pink nail varnish. I grabbed out my little note pad and started to sketch it.

"Come on, come on," I said to myself as the image became clearer. I remembered a man, not her father (or pretend father) coming to take her away. He had a tattoo on his leg but I only got a partial sighting of it as the lounger was blocking the rest plus the sun was going down and I got blinded for a moment.

I sketched her foot and next his calf and tattoo, at least what I could see. I gave myself a headache. When I finally opened my eyes James was sat on the lounger opposite. He was holding the picture I had sketched of her foot.

"It just a foot but she wanted me to paint her toe nails," I said shrugging. "If I can piece even these tiny bits together they may help.

He nodded and stood with me ready to go back to the room. Again it was silent all the way as I tried to remember the tattoo but my head was killing me. In the room I pulled out my case and the larger sketch pad. James watched from the bed as I started to draw her foot again, only this time larger and in more detail. My eyes closing for the image and opening again to check that it was transferring correctly.

I was so engrossed in the image that I didn't even notice James pop out and come back with a bottle of white wine until I was finished. I resisted the urge to turn it around and say 'What do you think?' as it was a foot, his missing nieces foot. It was like showing someone the limb of a presumed dead child.

He walked over to look himself as I gulped down some wine like it was water. I saw in his face that he recognised the foot, it shocked him and he took himself to the bathroom as his eyes filled with tears. I walked out onto the balcony to give him some extra privacy.

It seem silly to thing you could recognise a foot but when you think of all your friends feet lined up, you would probably be able to match them to the owner. It's not that hard.

I would attempt the tattoo later when I had something to eat and a rest. Maybe a walk on the beach to shift this headache. I stood there for a few more minutes enjoying the full moon before venturing back inside.

I heard the shower and noticed James suitcase was open. Inside was a pink ragdoll, old and much loved. I unpacked my case into the wardrobe to let the creases fall out of things and decided to cheekily do his. Only the big items dumped on the bed, no the stuff in the case.

James walked out changed into denim knee length shorts and tshirt. His wet hair and fresh shaved face was... well lets just say you didn't need a photographic memory to remember that image for life. Oh great, no I think he's hot and I'm sharing a bed with him. Brilliant. Just brilliant. I best get drunk and fall straight asleep so I don't lie there trying not to move or touch him by accident.

"Erm... I put the stuff you left on the bed in the wardrobe for you. I am just going to put a dress on. I'll be two minutes and we can go to dinner," I could feel myself blushing as I hurried into the bathroom and one look in the mirror confirmed it. Face like a tomato! 

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