6/30/16 - 4:23 p.m.

17 0 0

I'm in Target and I'm literally about to cry


Chasing Cars came on.

I remember how you said that that's our song and

until now, I didn't know how much I fucking miss you

Now I'm about to cry. But don't.

Especially not in public.

I know how much you hate that

I do, don't I?

I won't if you don't


Stay strong




Wow that was cliche


It was wasn't it?

Oh well whatever

...everybody needs to know

You might be crazy

Have I told you lately

That I love you

You're the only reason that I'm not afraid to fly

And it's crazy

That someone could change me


no matter what it is I have to do

I'm not afraid to try

And you need to know that you're the reason why

And you need to know that you're the reason why


God I love you and you're Nickelodeon references

Who doesn't.

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