7/24/16 - 8:12 a.m.

12 0 0

Morning love

Hey. You're up earlier than usual.

You usually don't wake up until 2

Well I was sleeping but my dog woke me up and I couldn't go back to sleep

I was watching Inside Out and started thinking about you

Remember when we watched it at camp?

Yeah. We were in the corner away from everybody else

Your legs were in my lap and we traced circles on each other's legs the whole time

You cried when Bing Bong died because it reminded of when your cat died

Then I started crying just seeing you cry

Who knew a Disney movie could make both of us so emotional?

What are you talking about?

The Lion King, the part where Mufasa dies

Good point

Anyway, I sort of went off the rails for a moment but my point was that you should check your email inbox

Why? I never check that thing

Because I sent you something

Check it out and tell me what you think

I've got to go

Text me in a few hours


ok if you say so

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