Thank You

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So that's it. 

I hope the last chapter wasn't to bitty, things needed to be tied up and I always find endings really hard.

I apologise for the long wait at the end. It's been a stressful holiday waiting for GCSE results but they're over now and I'm really happy.

There's a possibility that an epilogue chapter will eventually appear but if not and you'd like to try some of my other writing then I'd love it if people would have a look at my Marauder's fanfic - I Solemnly Swear I am up to no Good

Thank you so much to everyone who has seen this story through with me since the beginning which was almost exactly a year ago. You're support has meant the world to me and kept me wanting to update (even if I sometimes took a long time over it). I know there are a lot of silent readers out there and sadly I can't get names of everyone who read this to thank but I'd like to give special thanks to the following people who liked, commented  and added to reading lists (sorry if I missed anyone or if there's anyone who commented after I'd published this list)



















































































Thank you again and Happy Wattpading


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